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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Worth remembering that Newcastle Central went Tory in 1983. If Corbyn is the new Foot and 2017 is the new 1983, I wonder where the baseline for Labour is.
  2. He'll be communicating via the medium of passive-aggressive avatar changes before we know it. Energy companies are a pack of shysters. Corbyn would sort them out. Probably.
  3. Only good for baguettes?
  4. See, that's what I've been saying all along.
  5. Easy way to buy an extra two years instead of having to have a GE in the middle of the immediate post-Brexit carnage?
  6. "No one knows anything" http://www2.politicalbetting.com/index.php/archives/2017/04/19/no-one-knows-anything-what-to-do-ifwhen-mrs-may-wins-todays-vote/
  7. Cue button mushroom hardon.
  8. Only 16 BNP so far, bit of a surprise.
  9. Could we launch a match thread with a bland title so that's what gets picked up by the Twitterbot, then quickly change it to something filthy? Or would that already be jinxing it?
  10. That's Patrick off of Spongebob, surely? ...I see your point
  11. I'm not sure my wallet can cope with Eurovision betting and election betting within a month of each other, mind.
  12. There's no incentive for a gradually recovering Lib Dem party to let themselves be tarnished by any association with Corbyn.
  13. Which isn't going to happen because Corbyn has no interest in resisting Hard Brexit.
  14. It'll be good news for Labour in the long run, I suppose, as it's the only way to get rid of Corbyn. Pity about the whole hard Brexit and electoral irrelevance thing in the meantime though.
  15. Who knows though, maybe it'll just be a U-turn on a second Scottish referendum.
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