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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Lib Dems standing down and endorsing Caroline Lucas in Brighton Pavilion. I imagine most of their voters would have known what to do anyway and will have voted tactically in the past (they only got 1.5k last time) but still, interesting.
  2. I'll sponsor you, but I won't sponser you.
  3. Should have kept putting your hand up and guessing. "Quasimodo? Qualcast?"
  4. Tends to cover both "Queer" and "Questioning" I think. Be thankful they didn't rock up with QUILTBAG.
  5. We can't expect journalists to question Theresa the Appeaser when they're so busy asking Tim Farron whether he hates the gays he keeps voting to give equal rights to.
  6. There's a good chunk of the population that would rather earn less in real terms than hear a foreign language being spoken when they're out in public. DAS IST DIE WAHRHEIT.
  7. The right is a lot better at holding its nose than the left.
  8. They might, but you'd survive. It's whether you'd survive the fact that there are 43 songs that concerns me. EDIT: Wait, no, 42 now that the Russian lass has wheelied off into the sunset.
  9. Aye, even my mam who's basically the most artsy liberal person going (and has that background you allude to - she even moved from small-town Sweden to London in the mid-60s for the sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll of it) quite likes May because she gives the impression of having a calm head and knowing what she's doing, apparently. She'll not vote for her (I assume) but any of the arguments against her are too intricate for her to want to bother with. That's about the height of it.
  10. Guest blog! Guest blog! Guest blog! Here's the runaway favourite with the bookies, anyway. 100 million views probably goes some way to explaining why.
  11. He's scored mind, but then so did Fernando Pancake.
  12. Can you imagine Pardew.... actually I'm not even going to finish that sentence.
  13. Never any doubt, except when there was. Nice one.
  14. I suppose it'll be useful for the election, since Lib Dem members tend to also get out and actually do things in the real world unlike a lot of Corbynistas I know. I've just followed the LD PPC for my constituency on Twitter to see if he's worth leafleting for, considering it's an utterly lost cause in an area with a good Labour MP who voted against Article 50 and got a 21k majority last time out (I voted for her then and might even do so again despite Corbyn, which is saying something). Might offer my services to the Vauxhall campaign instead...
  15. If it's what I just got a triumphant Tim Farron e-mail about, it's that LD membership has just topped 100,000.
  16. It's the Lib Dems, a 'big announcement' could just as easily be we're converting our battle buses to run off cooking oil.
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