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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    All the men in east London have to wear big bushy beards these days. True story.
  2. Meenzer


    It'll soon be autumn and the telly will be full of adverts for Winterval again.
  3. Covfefe indeed, Ulrika
  4. How do they respond under denpressure?
  5. I don't want to allow myself to think this might be possible, but....
  6. Took me a google to realise "Perlman" didn't mean Rhea. Disappointing.
  7. That people think Simon Cowell would get us a good deal from those unelected Eurocrats in Brussels. Mind, I think even I'd trust him and Amanda Holden over May and Davis.
  8. They can be both. Trump knows that better than most.
  9. The question is whether the Tories will stay there after they're elected.
  10. Shhhh, that's David Davis's opening gambit you're giving away there!
  11. Small Mercies Dept. but at least now we know May won't be fighting the 2022 GE, there's no way the Tories will let her tarnish their brand like this for five more years regardless of what happens with Brexit. (There we go, fate duly tempted. See you in here in five years for the vilification. )
  12. This country deserves the absolute irrelevance it's chosen to embrace as its fate, honestly.
  13. I should add that I absolutely didn't watch the game.
  14. German manager, penalty shootout, something something something #content
  15. U-turning is strong and stable behaviour nowadays, remember.
  16. Fucking hell, I was just reading about that. Glad you're okay (all things considered) but bloody hell.
  17. Woop woop! Time to crack open an ice-cold beer and fall asleep after two sips
  18. If only the ref had free will.
  19. Hey @Ant, someone's hacked CT's account, pls fix
  20. Typical German, always with the Antisemitism
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