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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. The Major/Kinnock comparison is an interesting one - if May is returned with a relatively small majority and starts being undermined by rebellions and by-election losses like Major, things could get interesting. Although maybe it's more a John Smith scenario and Corbyn needs to drop dead in 2019 or so and make way for something more electable (but, and here's the difference I suppose, retaining the broad strokes of the properly Labour manifesto we're seeing this time round, since that seems to be what's enthusing people).
  2. I see the right-wing rags are, as expected, stepping up their campaign to steal the election just like they stole the EU referendum. Who wouldn't be proud to be British?
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/06/trump-translation-interpreters?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Interesting piece about the problems with translating/interpreting Trump. I occasionally get legally binding translation jobs where you have to leave everything intact, including any mistakes or obvious contradictions in the source text (whereas for most clients you'd either correct an obvious mistake or leave a gentle suggestion in a footnote that they might be barking up the wrong tree), so I can sympathise a little - how do you interpret what he's saying for a local audience when there's no coherence or logical sense to it in the first place?
  4. That'll be Jim and Thelonious Swansea, left-sided siblings who wore the stripes in the early 1920s.
  5. Somewhere in a two-kitchen house in Kentish Town, Red Ed is carving tears of frustration into a slab of granite.
  6. I hear you can build your own internet too.
  7. Disappointing lack of progression, they could at least have thrown in a modulation partway through
  8. Brexit logic really. "They're not listening to what I say, maybe they will if I shoot myself in the mouth"
  9. I know it's satire but this is a neat encapsulation of why I worry the polls are miles off - if there's a Shy Tory factor in normal election polling, how bad is it going to be in an election where the Tories are uniquely reviled by non-Tories?
  10. I don't know, at least LeazesMag likes curry. I can't see Trump tolerating any of that foreign muck.
  11. They'll be hurling jamón ibérico from the stalltops
  12. The credibility of terms like "MSM" is being gravely damaged. smh.
  13. And this is how we beat ISIS.
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