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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. M&S are closing in central Peterborough and pointing people at the branch they've got on a retail park on the ring road instead. Same issue - fine if you're mobile, but not much use if you're not, and meanwhile the high street withers. I don't know what you do about that in the face of internet shopping and a general economic downturn though.
  2. Meenzer

    Gigs 2024

    Joy Oladokun at the Union Chapel on Friday night was absolutely smashing.
  3. Meenzer


    I prefer my heal food to be homeopathic. Almost no calories in the memory of water.
  4. "It’s 50 bucks for meeting some of the most insane people on Earth"
  5. It's doing the rounds in some of my Twitter circles, but it's possible that
  6. Anti-abortion, pro-death penalty, only came out to his parents "shortly before his wedding", cites the Old Testament as his favourite book, and lobbies for gambling companies. He seems nice.
  7. He wasn't sacked by Sunderland after twelve matches, I can tell them that much.
  8. Be fair, some of his hatreds are quite rational.
  9. No new stadium on the river where they used to (etc), anyway:
  10. I've shelled out and bought the fella a Valentine's meal deal from Asda, so I can confirm it isn't
  11. It's like they saw Gateshead and said "that, but smaller and in concrete"
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