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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Now they're definitely not real.
  2. There's a certain internal logic to questioning everything, but I've always thought it must be exhausting.
  3. Verifiable physical evidence
  4. It'd be a pleasing irony if his job didn't exist.
  5. Keeping schtum. You don't think the cameramen at the moon landing movie studios worked for nothing, do you?
  6. What's more likely, birth defects or very good make-up and prosthetics? We all know how technologically advanced the Japanese are.
  7. Not just the survivors but the children of the survivors chose to get ill, en masse, as a way of pulling the wool over our eyes. Do keep up.
  8. What is "evidence"? What is "is"? Damn, this shit is deep
  9. Think about it, sheeple North Korea NuKes Not eKsisting
  10. A propos of nothing at all, I enjoyed this: http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/sport/football-manager-scouts-brutally-assessed-our-kickabout
  11. Interesting. And actually quite hard to know how to interpret. Maybe it's just self-justification by oldies who secretly know they've fucked things up for their kids.
  12. I bet denpressure and an ice dome are involved somehow.
  13. Pretty much https://www.buzzfeed.com/eleanorbate/this-is-a-safe-space?utm_term=.edbrgLQdg#.dvJ21AY61
  14. Their "science" is predicated on the curvature of the earth so I think we can be fairly sure they don't.
  15. Crikey. A message to Labour and Tory centrists right there, surely.
  16. Tens of pounds worth of improvements, etc.
  17. I don't think she'd have been best pleased.
  18. £2 for a can of Diet Coke after Dulwich parkrun this morning. Fucking London.
  19. Have a good one in Mainz. It's not a bad wee city even if they do play in red and white.
  20. I used to live further along the same road. Occasionally went to that supermarket because it was the nearest one that had my favourite frozen pizza. #thuglife Parky wouldn't be seen dead in Barmbek mind. Far too plebeian.
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