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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Oh sure, but it'll make us feel better, and that's important too. Especially if we're completely powerless in every other respect.
  2. Silent acceptance empowers him and criticism empowers him, it seems. If we accept that makes it a no-win situation - and there's wiggle room there, of course - then surely it's still better to criticise than to silently accept.
  3. Tsk tsk, tarring all SJWs with the same B (that stands for "brush")
  4. Clowns are pretty evil tbf
  5. There are some things a friend should never be expected to do.
  6. I think we can all agree this is an acceptable form of protest, at least. http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/activist-turns-confederate-memorial-at-arizona-capitol-into-participation-trophy-9596953
  7. I'm a bit surprised Dave let that one slip, to be honest. He must not be much of a friend.
  8. The members kept quitting, so he fired all the remaining ones rather than denounce Nazis. Beautiful.
  9. I still have some of my cassingles from 1994. But no cassette player.
  10. Here's hoping some of them grow up a bit, anyway.
  11. A true friend is one who endorses everything you do.
  12. Ah sure, give them a cup of blood and a mug of soil and they'll be grand.
  13. And the muzzies. Mind, they only had six protesters to deal with. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-22689552
  14. Meenzer


    Not tonight, Joselwho.
  15. Baked Alaska got it worse than I realised.
  16. 1994 called. It wants its cassingle back.
  17. "It's about protecting our heritage"
  18. I said cantons, not cuntons. (There's a better joke in there somewhere but it's still early)
  19. Part of the problem is a poisonous culture that continually tells us we need more stuff, that other people have more and better stuff than us, that we deserve the stuff and they don't, that we're missing out on ALL THE STUFF. When in fact even the badly-off are, for the most part, better off than they have been at any time in history. But nobody who's at the bottom of the pile wants to be told "it's a good pile, Brent". That's totally understandable.
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