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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'm not taking the piss honest, I'd probably need stabilisers if I tried to ride again
  2. Lao Tzu say, the journey of thousand mile begin with mile uphill to mate Dan's house
  3. That reputation for promiscuity doesn't come from nowhere. I'd say it's his own fault for being naive.
  4. Looks like Bannon might have been given the boot (or have already quit weeks ago, depending on who you listen to). Don't really see what difference it makes at this stage, but I suppose it's something.
  5. Made his first TV appearance just before WW2 apparently, which is pretty remarkable. Although my favourite thing about that fact is that the programme he appeared on was called "Come And Be Televised". Things were blunter in the olden days.
  6. It's almost like Parky made a funny
  7. He's dogshit like. Sub-Lawrension miserablist with minimal actual knowledge and no curiosity or interest in obtaining any. I've switched to James Richardson's new one and it's so much better purely for his absence. If he turns up there too, so help me god...
  8. Ashley, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more.
  9. You're probably right. Failing upwards, the preserve of the truly downtrodden.
  10. Speaking of the gays, as I so rarely do: Does this mean we get to electro-shock and chemically castrate the little snowflake?
  11. Or possibly very bad...
  12. What can I say, I'm just very good at virtue signalling.
  13. You can't prove your bollocks are round.
  14. Sargon (sorry, your points are absolutely good, but I was distracted by the mention of Sargon) (Sargon )
  15. I think the scale is part of what makes it so daunting for people. The idea of seeking to reach out to, change and rectify individual offenders like you describe is something that's obviously quite easy to support at that level. Then you realise nearly 63 million people voted for Trump and the battle for hearts and minds doesn't seem so straightforward.
  16. It's human nature to an extent - we're all inherently me-focused, it's part and parcel of the survival instinct. So even at a more advanced societal level where we don't have to worry about killing to feed ourselves because we have Tesco Express, it'd be all too easy for me to (e.g.) respond to being abused or attacked for being gay by saying, well, why should I feel sympathy for a straight person who doesn't have to go through that? When obviously I have plenty of other advantages in life - in terms of my background, work, the educational opportunities I've had, etc. - that a working-class white man, say, might not. I really hate to use the phrase "check your privilege" because it feels about as devalued as social justice/doing good etc., but obviously there's something in it. Hard to suspend your visceral response mechanism when you feel you're being wronged though.
  17. Because they hate their own identity so much they're that desperate to reject identity politics.
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