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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'm sure they can cope with being called rats when the ship is sinking anyway.
  2. "Thread" https://twitter.com/EmporersNewC/status/902598387798769666
  3. I believe the Germans have a word for "that feeling when another post is made in the time it takes you to dig out a photo of Stefano Eranio and the moment is lost"
  4. We didn't even have time to make a Gayle Pride flag
  5. A German would never tolerate that kind of punctuation abuse.
  6. We're above Arsenal now. So there's that.
  7. Maybe they're busy washing their sheets.
  8. We need to start listening to racists' frustrations instead of just locking them up, they've been marginalised for too long.
  9. I'd love to see a poll asking people whether they've ever actually heard of "Antifa".
  10. Hey hey, let's not go overboard.
  11. Seems about consistent with Trump's approval rating, yep.
  12. I think - as said previously - it's worth remembering that the US had actual fucking segregation within our parents' lifetime. You don't recover from that kind of thinking overnight (unless you're brutally efficient like the Germans).
  13. You could heat an urban neighbourhood for a year and a half simply by burning the unsold copies of Milo's book, so I'd say it's worth considering.
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