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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Still broadly undecided on the new Star Trek. It looks beautiful but some of it really drags, plus they've blatantly nicked their swizzy new technobabble drive system from Douglas Adams.
  2. I see the Maybot is actively preparing for a no-deal exit now. Good thing you can trust the Tories on the economy.
  3. I mean, I'd be surprised if that made it to the front page of the Newtownards Journal.
  4. I only found out when the Journal came through the door the next morning. "ROCK STAR SHOT DEAD" was the headline iirc. Never ones to beat around the bush.
  5. We simply cannot deal with consensus politics in this country. It's a big old game that you either win or lose, and that's it. You of all people must appreciate that. If we did ever get PR then, god forbid, we might actually have to grow up a bit as a nation. So, no, not going to happen.
  6. What a precious fucking snowflake.
  7. Iceland though, crikey. Makes Woy's wesult seem (marginally) less wubbish
  8. It's BAU for the last seven years, at least
  9. And more specifically a deal under which nothing changes. So, not really "good news about Brexit" so much as "good news about what will happen during the years it takes to actually figure out how the hell to leave the EU conclusively". Still, better they pull out of the UK in five or ten years' time than tomorrow, so there's that. Inertia is literally the best-case scenario we have available to us.
  10. Coward. Why don't you believe in Britain?
  11. Unions are known for crippling productivity. Just ask the Germans.
  12. But The Sun told us it was our Independence Day
  13. Never been, but let's be honest, if you're by the river and the Old Town then you're never going to need those transport links.
  14. Literally could have been written by CT, that.
  15. Disappointed it wasn't "Stage Props Keep Falling On My Head".
  16. The MSM will always find a way to trump those plucky GIF makers.
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