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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Ish. One of the joys of money is you don't have to bother with all that tiresome "standing up for what you are" nonsense.
  2. I see Kevin Spacey has come out as gay to distract people from stories that he tried to hump a 14-year-old. Lovely chap.
  3. Meenzer

    Gigs 2024

    Unlikely worlds collide.
  4. They've actually lapsed into TrumpSpeak now.
  5. Meenzer

    Gigs 2024

    Picked up a couple of tickets for Jason Isbell on Monday night on the cheap. Canny support too (Tift Merritt) and the venue tends not to attract too many complete arseholes by London gig standards, so that'll be grand.
  6. Left it relatively late because work holiday situation wasn't clear, but we've just booked a week of standard-issue Gran Canaria fare for the end of November (nice cottage bungalow on a quiet complex but within easy striking distance of Yumbo Centre debauchery). Bit pricier than the usual Lanza jaunt, both accommodation- and food-wise, but fuck only knows how much foreign holidays will cost after 2019 so might as well do it while we still can.
  7. Mind, you can always count on Popbitch to get the juicy stuff.
  8. There's sexy little slags and then there's the way Rees-Mogg sees women...
  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/david-davis-reveals-parliament-may-not-vote-on-brexit-deal-until-after-brexit_uk_59f05980e4b0b7e63265f760?utm_hp_ref=uk-politics Taking back control
  10. Aye definitely. One of the many reasons there's a dearth of decent politicians in this country has to be the scrutiny you end up under compared with other public servants. You have to have a Boris-style brass neck to skate around it all.
  11. Guido's not letting go of this one.
  12. I hereby withdraw my scepticism - lovely place. Much of the prettiness of Bruges but in an actual working city that's less clogged up by tourists. Definitely worth a weekend jaunt.
  13. If that was the sole criterion we'd have been as well off with Joan Ferguson from Prisoner Cell Block H. Bet she wouldn't have signed Boumsong and Babayaro either.
  14. Leazes will be happy with this assault on "education", anyway.
  15. Mind, my internet comment history genuinely is the reason I won't follow my old man even into local politics, for all I quite like the idea of being a councillor for somewhere I actually care about - I'm bound to have said something appalling about pretty much every population group I'd be representing.
  16. Dyer was a Pointless answer the other day. Seems about right.
  17. Counting down the minutes until CT bellyflops this thread with a link to a tweet tangentially referring a Breitbart report claiming that Shay is a deceitful leprechaun from off of a cereal packet.
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