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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    Tangiers is in Morocco though, I don't know what your problem is
  2. Though obviously this is the most important musical return of the year.
  3. I think I'm starting to understand why CT had such a problem with Ed Miliband...
  4. The EU is a group of states.
  5. I've found them an anthem. POWERBOYS UNITE!
  6. These MGTOWs sound like they secretly need a deep dicking.
  7. Be fair, you could just be someone with no sense of empathy.
  8. I know there's been a lot written about the Munich anniversary and perhaps it does get fetishised a bit, but I thought this was really interesting: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/42845471
  9. Got into the Great North Run on the ballot. I truly am a special snowflake.
  10. We most certainly did not vote for heavy import duties on Nazi paraphernalia for our stage shows.
  11. "Do you remember gas chambers? What were they all about, eh?"
  12. You couldn't move for people prancing around in Nazi uniforms on prime-time ITV in the 90s. Cilla's Blind Date used to send the happy couple to the Sudetenland for the weekend. Michael Barrymore's My Kind Of Volk was a big favourite. And Wolf off of Gladiators was originally going to be Schweinhund until the namby-pamby politically correct brigade had their way.
  13. Dress CT up in a Sturmbannführer uniform and send him round to bark "VE HAFF VAYZ OFF MAKING YOU SIGN!"
  14. If you believe you can wear the uniforms of the world, you wear the uniform of nowhere.
  15. Makes sense, he is pro-Brexit after all.
  16. About as well as austerity has healed the country's finances. What a legacy.
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