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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Indirectly, the comedy value of CT lying about voting for Corbyn?
  2. That politicians get up to naughty and/or bizarre stuff should come as no surprise - they're humans, humans do massively flawed and stupid things all the time. It's the sheer hubris of thinking they can get away with it and it won't affect them while being among the most public of all public figures that boggles the mind.
  3. Just found out the ballet skirt was invented by the Chuckle Brothers. ...all right, never mind
  4. Just found out there were originally meant to be more than two Chuckle Brothers but then their dad had a vasectomy, vasectoyou
  5. Metro Radio (in a few hours). End of an era/error #gettothosephones
  6. I think I'm going to end every sentence with "...& of course the Genocide" from now on. Love the way he drops it in there. "My favourite teams? Newcastle, Mainz, Norrköping, Stenhousemuir & of course the Genocide." "I'll have the lamb jalfrezi, pilau rice, garlic naan & of course the Genocide."
  7. (I wholeheartedly agree, I just enjoyed the juxtaposition)
  8. "Me being alive" and "Scottish tournament failure" appear to correlate fairly closely, if that helps at all
  9. Just booked a trip to Germany and realised I'm going to be there for the Euro 2024 final, so that's England's chances knackered, sorry to anyone who cares
  10. He was everything I expected, and that's fine by me.
  11. Eurovision 1974 is just about to start on BBC Four, lads.
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