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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Aye, it was using the code on the receipt for a £23.50 purchase so... well, a free dinner's a free dinner.
  2. Just won a £25 Five Guys gift card for completing their customer satisfaction survey. It pays to be bored.
  3. Marathon and Snickers? That's a red flag right there. No way any of this actually happened.
  4. I'm sure there'll be some Palace fans along soon to set them right. They used to be very vocal on this subject, anyway...
  5. I lived abroad for about five years but I went straight after university so didn't actually own anything of note.
  6. Tweets embed automatically if you paste the link
  7. Well that escalated predictably.
  8. I see the artist behind that mural has broken his silence... in an article on David Icke's website. That'll fix it.
  9. Because CA got him exactly the outcome he wanted.
  10. "Personally I don't see race and anyway some black people do have big lips and wear bones through their noses"
  11. We didn't fight TWO WORLD WARS in order to maintain PEACE in a spirit of pan-European COOPERATION
  12. Soft rolls dunked in apple sauce, that's your weekend fun right there.
  13. Cameroon were a complete surprise package though, Iceland are well-known for their good form against Malvinas lusting cunts.
  14. Saudi Arabia-Egypt has to be the least inspiring group fixture since... ...well, probably Bosnia-Iran in 2014 actually. Not especially planning to take the afternoon off work for that one anyway.
  15. Depends, are they any good at making blue passports?
  16. Still, at least he still has legs and actually exists and stuff, that's a start.
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