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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. You'll buy nowt with our money, scrounger.
  2. https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/staggers/2018/04/19-questions-nick-timothy-about-his-defence-his-former-boss-theresa-may
  3. https://www.ft.com/content/cb3be534-42e9-11e8-93cf-67ac3a6482fd Shocking news, I tell you. SHOCKING.
  4. Can we sell our sea shells on their sea shore?
  5. There's someone playing the free stages called Arkansas Dave. Terrific.
  6. Meenzer


    Just rustled up a substantial batch of wild garlic pesto. Anything for a bit of personal space on the train.
  7. http://left-and-to-the-back.blogspot.co.uk/2018/04/magnificent-seven-reggae-bagpipes-roll.html
  8. All I was going to say is Corbyn as PM wouldn't be subject to a Labour-led vote of confidence over this because he'd have demonstrated his electability in order to be PM in the first place, which is kind of the main issue. Everything else in politics these days is sadly all too believable.
  9. If he were the PM in this scenario.... no, it's no good, I can't
  10. Good shout, well played. Not quite enough on the full bill to tempt us up this year I reckon. I like what I've heard of Earle but don't really know his catalogue well enough to fully appreciate a gig. Striking Matches are entertaining but seen them before (and no desire to suffer Sam Palladio's solo songs in order to see them again), Jade Bird is doing good things but will be round plenty more times yet. Might be able to make a case for Kelly Willis.
  11. The MSM agree with each other - bad. The MSM contradict each other - bad. Tough crowd.
  12. North Korea too! Democratic and of the people, no less.
  13. I see Morrissey's at it again. Anyone who still listens to his music might as well have a Billy bookcase full of Lostprophets CDs if you ask me. Wrong 'uns one and all.
  14. If you believe you're a citizen of the world, you're a citizen of nowhere.
  15. I for one am entirely confident that EU nationals will be handled fairly and competently by the UK government after we leave the EU and see no reason the promises made to date should be viewed with any degree of scepticism.
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