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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-43924609
  2. Then you end up as the last paragraph of a football blog
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/apr/26/sunderland-hall-of-shame-clubs-mostly-bad-signings-under-short?CMP=share_btn_tw
  4. At least Rees-Mogg had a real career before politics.
  5. I do hope you own the corresponding merch.
  6. I think I've met him in the back room at the Eagle.
  7. I'm agnostic on the monarchy's cost-benefit ratio and I've nowt much against the royals as people (except Charles, he seems like a wazzock), but any member of the public who waits outside a hospital while one of them is in there popping out a sprog wants their hard drive looked at.
  8. He did the intro act for Eurovision 2013 with Björn and Benny. Seemed a pleasant chap. Wouldn't have expected him to be outlived by them! Or by Bonnie Tyler, for that matter...
  9. Life's TERF and then you die.
  10. Using the term SJW should be punishable in a court of law.
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