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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. What, like the back of a Volkswagen?
  2. "I meant to say 'no peace for our time'" - Neville C.
  3. It's almost like you had a chance to find a consensus that might have actually benefited the country you live in but chose not to because of your football politics team
  4. The public needs quite a lot of convincing. Indeed, I'd go so far as to say the public cannot be convinced.
  5. Bloody hell, Squires. https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2018/jul/17/david-squires-on-frances-world-cup-win-and-a-final-look-at-russia-2018
  6. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/jul/17/the-world-cup-colour-chart-a-photographic-journey
  7. Apparently four Labour MPs voted for it, cancelling out the Tory rebels sufficiently to help it to pass.
  8. The Leave campaign would have had a "different feel" if you'd had control over it, you say? What a fucking cunt.
  9. Made it through the World Cup without having to suffer Barry Glendenning once. Result!
  10. Um, does she mean that Robinson? The Yaxley-Lennon one? Isn't that a bit... well... insane?
  11. No deal would win. Absolutely nailed on the way things have been going lately and considering May is even less popular than Cameron so can't even rely on a degree of personal trust and credibility. Farage and co would frame any arguments against it as "Project Fear", tell us to believe in Britain, take back control for our great nation, yadda yadda, while enough soft remainers would shift to May's deal because they're sick of the whole Brexit thing and just want it to be over and done with, and no deal would win. Which would at least make for some kind of accountability, you'd like to think. Except it'll somehow still be everyone else's fault.
  12. I hereby withdraw this statement
  13. I hereby allow France the trophy
  14. I'm fine with France winning as they've been comfortably the best team in the tournament, I just hope they do it more persuasively than this. Ludicrous Mbappe strike in the second half would see me right.
  15. I'm sure the ref hasn't been told to do what he can to help the more marketable team win.
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