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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'm up this weekend. Tempted to go. Not sure why.
  2. Someone's been on one slice of toast a day.
  3. Couldn't have put it any better. Speaking of which:
  4. Maybot is giving a statement at No. 10 in a few minutes. Twitter is abuzz that she might be resigning. Far more likely she'll say "I'm very clear" a lot and absolutely fucking nothing else of substance.
  5. Cool, another 20% or so and they'll be starting to approach where they should be
  6. Just got hitched. Seems to be enjoying life.
  7. Just stumbled across this. Random but kind of brilliant.
  8. This is literally the only message Labour needs to be hammering home right now, and instead we're relying on the presenter of The Word to say it. Might as well appoint Huffty as Shadow NI Secretary while they're at it, she probably knows more than Karen Bradley anyway.
  9. Not being funny like but you were talking about using MyFitnessPal five years ago so the calorie stuff can't be entirely new to you? Hope it sticks this time though. I know I keep banging the drum but if your knee holds up then get yourself along to the parkrun at South Shields some time - there's plenty of people who walk or walk/jog it (the last few weeks' results have several people doing it in an hour or more) and a bit of community is good for motivation and variety rather than being stuck in the gym all the time.
  10. They must be gutted he didn't ban it.
  11. More of this kind of thing from the MSM please.
  12. Both shocking and unsurprising
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