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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Weird that you were so quick to defend the women in the Weinstein case who took years to come forward because of the inherent power structures working against them, then, but okay.
  2. Aye. Reminds me of the line of argument about EU-funded projects in "the regions". "The EU funded all these improvements around here!" "Yeah, but it was our money in the first place, we could fund them without having to go through Europe" "And you reckon a UK government would actually do that?" "......"
  3. If you can't destroy that argument by reference to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, you don't deserve to be arguing in the first place.
  4. "I voted to set fire to everything because I'm so passionate about it but I don't mind what a future government does with the ashes"
  5. Anyway, this is cool https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/dec/10/hedge-funds-make-big-bets-against-post-brexit-uk-economy
  6. I love that you've tried to do a funny with her name and still got it wrong. Pure CT.
  7. Which begs the question: what could possibly be the motivation for delivering a massive blow to that happy status quo by voting to leave the EU?
  8. Well *someone's* found the magic money tree....
  9. I know you shouldn't laugh, but... christ almighty https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-46475631
  10. I for one am baffled as to why Johnny Foreigner isn't just rolling over for us.
  11. That Kardashians song of his is a bit embarrassing, mind. Sixth-form angst poetry. Though I suppose he's not long out of sixth form, to be fair.
  12. In Icelandic "pork" is pronounced "pyurk", so it still works.
  13. I'm still disappointed they didn't have kids so they'd have to give them the surname Goldiesson.
  14. Seeing remarkably little coverage of the lies - actual lies - May told yesterday about Brits in the EU retaining the rights we're taking away from EU citizens in the UK.
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