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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. We're the fattest and the fittest! https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2018/dec/17/its-trim-up-north-could-north-east-england-be-britains-most-active-region?CMP=share_btn_tw
  2. 1985 might well have been the Christmas we got that electronic Donkey Kong game. Followed by Mario's Cement Factory. Good times. Fair to say they didn't get much use for their "Watch and alarm feature".
  3. Aye. Last night Hamilton said something about having made it out of the slums. The slums of... Stevenage.
  4. "No deal" is (deliberately, I'm sure) a terrible name for it. It (deliberately, I'm sure) implies far more of a retention of the status quo than the actual destruction of the status quo involved. Please don't tell me enough people are going to fall for this again, just like they fell for £350 million on the side of a bus and other easy soundbites. This country, honestly.
  5. EDIT: Should have realised it'd soon get taken down for copyright infringement. Fellaini knocking that steward off her chair with a wayward shot though.
  6. And he's letting that government trash the country to the extent there'll be nothing worth redistributing if he does ever get in.
  8. He of all people should know that the EU is just waiting to pelanise us.
  9. This absolute spanner, honestly.
  10. I'm glad we don't have proportional representation anyway, it only leads to instability and weak governments.
  11. Are we going to let ourselves be dictated to not only by some foreigner, but by some foreign poofter? I think not.
  12. Your lifetimes are starting to get dangerously short.
  13. As long as we're clear you think white women are more important than brown men.
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