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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I mean, really, what more needs to be said? You can't trust the Tories with the economy the country fucking anything.
  2. They're too busy drinking PROPER BRITISH TEA to have an opinion on the matter.
  3. Now I see why CT is suddenly back on his weird "coffee-drinkers" line.
  4. Meanwhile, I see Johnson is flat-out lying about what he said about Turkey prior to the referendum and assuming that no one of note will pull him up on it. The Bannon playbook in full effect... EDIT: Ah, now I see the tweet Renton posted. Ah well, it bears saying twice.
  5. I believe they have a "parkrun offer" of a discount on a fry-up in a bun - seems a bit off-brand, but hey - so I've nearly been tempted to stick around for that before. Good to know.
  6. I've done the parkrun there a couple of times and keep meaning to go back to explore it properly, because obviously that route only takes in one specific part of it (mostly on the flat). Plus the last time it was absolutely lashing it down so there was no great incentive to stick around and meander.
  7. Well at least he's happy to admit to being thick enough to have been duped by obvious lies in one recent vote. Maybe he'll figure out the other one eventually.
  8. I mean, a no-deal Brexit will literally kill lots of poor people, which you wouldn't think to be consistent with left-leaning thinking, but here we are.
  9. It's reassuring that the Tories are still cunts at every level and not just when it comes to Brexit.
  10. Levity aside, it'll be the only way to actually bring it home to a good number of people.
  11. Good to see our standing in the world remains unaffected by all this.
  12. I can't imagine anyone who says things like that would recently have been bashing on about people losing their trust in democr... oh.
  13. I imagine more than anything they just want some kind of clarity.
  14. Welcome to MV-Day, everybody. Can we not just put Betty in charge of everything?
  15. Baby Klopp, doo doo doo doo doo doo Baby Klopp, doo doo doo doo doo doo Baby Klopp, doo doo doo doo doo doo Baby Klopp As you say, bad news for us if it gives them a Big Sam bounce, but it's still quite funny.
  16. The usual - steak bakes and sexy assists. (With apologies for it being BT Sport.)
  17. Johnson's hair is a permanent deep state.
  18. And, leading on from the above tweet about the Welsh referendum, this is absolutely right. May has never made any attempt to obtain "loser's consent".
  19. ONE TWO THREE TECHNO MAXIMUM VELOCITY (yes I will keep doing this until we sign him)
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