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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I know, banker wankers yadda yadda, but we're talking about the country's tax base here. Not much point in a Corbyn-shaped redistributor taking charge of a country that has nothing left to redistribute. That said, I increasingly don't see the point in a second referendum even if it results in a Remain vote. The damage, both actual and reputational, has already been done.
  2. Dartford, Dafcto, it's a fine line. Not least in terms of brainpower.
  3. With your endorsement at the ballot box, let's not forget.
  4. This is another problem with FPTP, it obscures direct accountability. Rees-Mogg would have to work bloody hard not to get elected in North East Somerset. Diane Abbott could claim 2+2=5 and still win a Hackney landslide. Or to pick an example closer to home, Ian Lavery is clearly dodgy as fuck but will be the Wansbeck MP for as long as he wants to be. The whole system is rotten.
  5. Yep! As for Williamson, this is from early June last year, if it helps:
  6. Chope defends female genital mutilation and that's fine, but citizens' rights? That's going too far. Tories. Aren't. Human.
  7. Oh, even better. Javid comes out in support for the amendment then the man behind it, erm, gets sacked.
  8. Hahaha, imagine banging on irrelevantly about your local rival for months on end.
  9. That's a very deep philosophical question you're asking there.
  10. The crowd got angry and this one man He was gonna throw a bottle, he was gonna chuck a can Chuck a can Chuck a- Chuck a- Chuck a- Chuck a-
  11. "HEIDI ALLEN HAS AN ENTIRE FUCKING WING ROULETTE TO HERSELF" https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/8xydg3/calculating-the-exact-amount-of-banter-in-that-photo-of-the-independent-group-at-nandos
  12. We've already got disgruntled folk in yellow vests "marching" in the streets around Trafalgar Square every weekend - I was unfortunate enough to encounter them for the first time on Saturday, and while they weren't especially threatening, it was still a grim little reminder of the times we live in. You worry about what the right-wing press could stoke up if they really started trying.
  13. Let's just pretend we have lots of pallets, that should be enough to get us a government contract.
  14. Mind, he "campaigned" for Remain last time for all the good it did.
  15. Aye, whatever it takes. Same as how it's not like I'll ever vote Tory (short of the slightly improbable scenario of me living in a Tory-BNP marginal or something, and even then it'd take a little persuasion ) but I'm grateful to the likes of Soubry if it moves things towards a better Brexit outcome.
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