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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Farage will be using that as the backdrop for a BREAKING POINT poster before long.
  2. I'd be much fonder of that meme if the cunts hadn't won...
  3. So they managed to fuck up the results. https://eurovision.tv/story/ebu-issues-statement-on-eurovision-2019-grand-final-result No major changes, but I wonder if Betfair will resettle my top 15 France lay now. A customer service dweeb tonight told me they won't be because it's more than 72 hours afterwards, but other people are being told other things. It'd turn a bad year into a good one betting-wise, so... Did you ever get that issue with Coral sorted, @Gemmill? I'm sure it won't have escaped your attention that Kate Bush-Tucker did indeed win SF1...
  4. Mm. I can see the logic based on the results last time and all, plus Gavin Esler seems a decent sort, but I think I'm going to stupidly put my faith in a full-on pro-LD swing here that could net them a third MEP. Famous last words...
  5. Imagine if she finally goes on the day of the Euro elections
  6. Hey @Maxeimer, du bist leider auf der falschen Seite gelandet, das hier ist eine Fußball-Community für Newcastle United ("the Toon")
  7. I'm voting Lib Dem despite the Change UK recommendation for London, partly because I feel like the upside could be massive on the day itself, depending on the narrative between now and Thursday.
  8. Imagine being such a massive snowflake that you're fine with your idol calling people traitors and enemies of the people and trotting out "breaking point" imagery that doesn't even have anything to do with the UK, but the second someone throws a bit of milk on him, you're pissing your pants in outrage.
  9. This is basically how tonight is going to pan out.
  10. They don't release the semi-final results until after the final, so as not to give away what might happen in the final. So if Coral have settled a bet on the SF1 winner market, they shouldn't have. Full results should be out within an hour or two of the show finishing, so very early hours of Sunday morning.
  11. Of the most likely qualifiers tomorrow (odds-wise) I'd say the six shortest should be fine. After that I'm most sceptical about Macedonia (they haven't qualified for years and are uniquely talented at fucking up the staging, though they've been given a prime slot in the running order so should be okay) and Armenia ("angry woman standing alone on stage shouting" is one of my favourite genres but I'm not convinced Europe agrees).
  12. Haha, sorry, I've got used to no one giving a shit I'll give you my thoughts on the second semi (so to speak) in due course... I had Hungary as a nailed-on qualifier tonight though (just lost a decent amount on them in the top 15 market as a result of the DNQ), so I'm not sure how much use I am.
  13. Scroll down to 61st, you massive racist. https://www.icc-cricket.com/rankings/mens/team-rankings/t20i "Israeli cricket - we're better than Bhutan"
  14. Just finished Deutschland 86. Didn't think it worked quite as well as 83 - the wider scope felt a bit unfocused and the earlier episodes more about showing off the fact they had a budget and could make things go boom, but the crumbling and contradictory DDR side of things was largely great, so still a decent watch.
  15. Will sign up for that out of curiosity as much as anything else. From looking at the 2014 figures I think my most sensible vote in terms of achieving what they're talking about is Lib Dem, so will be interesting to see if their algorithms agree. Change UK will be the curveball I suppose.
  16. And aye, it's a nice enough place but a bit much of a muchness as far as the resorts go - hoping to get the bus into the middle of the island one day to do a bit of hiking for something a bit different.
  17. I'm actually flying back to Manchester because "even" the London flights on the Sunday weren't at great times (and the least bad one was proper money). Gets me the whole of the last day on site, but it does mean I'm on a National Express coach from Manchester Airport at 3:20am. Wish me luck.
  18. Recorded La La Land a while back and finally got round to watching it last night. What a load of shite.
  19. Took a late decision (once it became evident Brexit wasn't happening just yet) to join friends at the villa they'd already booked in Gran Canaria for Eurovision week. Been to the town itself a few times before but the property is right on the front next to the steps down to the beach, so it'll be a bit different to the usual hotel and pool at least.
  20. It definitely feels like there's a degree of brand detoxification/"least worst" thinking going on, but it should also be a lot easier for Labour to hang on to voters like that.
  21. Turns out enabling the Tories gets you a kicking at the ballot box. They could have asked the Lib Dems about that one... In cheerier news, there's this:
  22. As one of the first replies says - two cheeks of the same arse.
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