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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Aye. YouGov had 66% of over 65s saying they would be "dismayed" if Corbyn became PM. This is the 1981-2011 trend and it goes some way to explaining the places that have switched. If Labour wants them back again, it's not just about getting jobs and opportunities back into these places, but also the kind of cultural and leisure and other options that will stop quite so many younger people from leaving for cities.
  2. I thought this thread was clearly articulated & worth a read
  3. Excellent trolling from Ursula's mob as usual.
  4. There's always been enough on normal telly, iPlayer and the likes to keep us going tbqfh, but now there's enough Netflix exclusive things plus the archive stuff to have finally tipped the balance. Well, that and the BBC getting shut down any moment now...
  5. Finally got Netflix. If the only way to survive this shitshow is to become a bovine consumer and block out the wider world, bring it on.
  6. I keep my account because it's still useful for arranging events and keeping in touch with friends from around Europe and beyond - such are the perils of having a dumb hobby that is by its nature international - but fuck me, I don't know what I was thinking going on there the day after an election.
  7. Over on Facebook, I've got the wife of a friend saying she was hoping for a big majority like this because it'll allow Johnson to bring politics back to the centre, and because she so wanted to give a voice to communities who've been neglected. She's an Oxford University Conservative Association alumnus who works for a Swiss pharma company, so has she fuck discovered a conscience all of a sudden. Outstanding defensive retrofitting.
  8. A lot of this left/right/centre thinking would be shaken up if we had proper electoral reform anyway. But no chance of that for a generation now, I guess.
  9. Ann Widdecombe lost to a gay man. Crumbs, but we'll take them.
  10. I'm angry as well as sad, but at some point you do just have to stand back and say "OK, if that's what you really want then be my guest", aye. If only I had any confidence in people being able (or willing) to draw the right conclusions from the consequences of their actions.
  11. What anti-Brexit position in 2019?
  12. Mind, I was thinking one thing this result really does is highlight just how useless Theresa May was.
  13. 100% yes. See also their fury over top earners being taxed more even though they're never going to be top earners.
  14. The main problem with Corbyn is he's never understood why he won the leadership vote in the first place.
  15. I'm watching Sinatra on Sky Arts instead.
  16. This is what I don't get. How have things improved for these people? They haven't. Hence the need to find someone to demonise instead and rely on fear-driven voting. Job done, regrettably.
  17. Cool, I'll don a pink triangle and wait to see what happens then.
  18. Told you CT would be wrong. Fuck this country, honestly. Anyone who's proud to be British is a dick.
  19. I'm hoping for their sake they might be able to rise above their genetic handicap.
  20. His kids will be plenty unkind to him once they realise what he's done to their future.
  21. The prospect of stability of some kind, I suppose. Chaos, but predictable chaos.
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