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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Quick, best get this deleted from their camera roll
  2. To be fair, that is one reason I don't drive unless I absolutely have to. Not so much the death outright, but crashes and general inconvience caused by other people being terrible drivers.
  3. Meenzer


    Steady on, we haven't even been on a second date!
  4. I'm imagining Keys reading out that entire blog post in the tone of this bloke
  5. I'm delighted to say there was no VE Day action on my street whatsoever. Multicultural hellhole London has its benefits.
  6. I'm not even trying to run on the pavement most of the time these days, the side streets are quiet enough that it's easier to just stick to the roads than keep weaving. Can't wait to see what it's like when everyone is driving to work, the shops etc. again but we're still meant to keep two metres' distance from each other in public.
  7. Maybe CT is saying his ding-a-ling is a little Richard.
  8. Up to a point you can't blame them when the messaging has been so mixed and the papers have been printing made-up timetables for lockdown being lifted. But only up to a point. They're definitely cunts too. It'll keep escalating from here though, you'll have otherwise reasonable folk asking themselves (more than is already the case) why they should be hiding away and voluntarily living a shite version of life when no fucker else is. What's the betting that even when foreign tourism begins again, the UK is one of the nationalities that have entry restrictions placed on them? If I was Germany or whoever, I'm not sure I'd want people coming in from here when we've not bothered to try and get the thing under proper control.
  9. It means "Donner und Blitzen, ignorant Englisher pigdog". Hope that helps
  10. The Bundesliga is officially back from next Saturday. Here's how they're getting it all done by the end of June: https://media.dfl.de/sites/2/2020/05/Spielplan_Bundesliga_2019-2020_Mai_Jun-2020.pdf
  11. It's the manufacturer's fault if the gear doesn't meet the agreed specifications, of course, but it's the government's fault for making a big media song and dance out of its arrival as a smokescreen for other things only to have it come back and bite them.
  12. Fuck me. It'd be laughable if the consequences weren't so tragic.
  13. I find little to disagree with in what she says.
  14. Straight out of the Man's Daddy collection, that.
  15. Exactly. Nothing has made me feel less welcome in my own country than THE ACTUAL PRIME MINISTER saying this. She can fuck right off.
  16. I think it's a reasonable interpretation of the guidance and I guess that's what the original post was driving at. Assuming he wasn't suggesting that we've all driven to see our married lover at some point.
  17. Full disclosure: on my Saturday morning run I stopped for 90 seconds to chat to a friend and his kid as they were passing. From a safe distance, of course, but still: I am a dirty rule-breaker.
  18. Announce this plan on VE Day for maximum impact.
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