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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Worst case scenario, give the baby a bucket and sponge and say you're paying them to do your windows. Sorted.
  2. That's my understanding of it anyway. This says you can still socialise with those in your support bubble in your own home even after the rules come in, and this says any single-adult household (e.g. a single parent with any number of kids) can form a support bubble with a household of any size.
  3. Oh aye, of course it's all wildly open to abuse anyway, but for anyone who wants to at least try and stick to the rules.
  4. You can still have your support bubble if it's been the same group of people throughout (i.e. your household + her and the bairn, no chopping and changing).
  5. Only if they remain blindfolded throughout.
  6. Including making eye contact. (I'm aware that's in London but it gave me a giggle. As if we willingly acknowledge each other down here anyway.)
  7. Aye, I thought that at the time and it's hilarious seeing all the L1B3RTY!!!1! QAnon bedwetters in Trafalgar Square acting as if we've ever had it remotely as bad as what they did even then, never mind now.
  8. Isn't this just how it was already anyway, just framed as a law rather than as guidance? Either way, I expect it to be observed and enforced about as rigorously as it has been so far
  9. The long covid stuff is pretty worrying, aye. I reckon we'd still be putting some of these restrictions in place if a virus emerged that only had the long covid characteristics, i.e. a long-term chronic impact on a large number of people across all age groups, not just the elderly/vulnerable. Not to the same extent, of course, but still. Worth bearing in mind alongside the death figures.
  10. Makes sense it works for people with a sedentary lifestyle.
  11. Could still be worth it for the No Deal stockpile tbh
  12. parkrun's not happening after all, surprise surprise. https://blog.parkrun.com/uk/2020/09/24/restarting-in-england/ Decent statement at least, it's nice to see them basically saying "there's no evidence to support this but we know too many people would moan" Maybe if we all dressed up in hunting gear it'd be all right...
  13. I get you, I've been all over the place mentally throughout this whole year to be honest, and like you, in a way it's never been like before (though thinking back, it was brewing before COVID so I can't blame it entirely on that - the state of the world has massively exacerbated it though). Probably should go (well, "go") and see someone about it at some point, but never having done so before, kickstarting that whole thing just feels like a right faff under the current circumstances, I dunno. I've even deleted this post then rewritten it a couple of times due to anxiety over whether saying all of this out loud is too much like making your post all about me. Go figure.
  14. Here's a thought: what if it's possible that different things work differently for different people? On second thoughts, nah, it'll never catch on.
  15. I'm glad, if that's not a ridiculous word to use under the circumstances, that it was fairly quick as far as these things go. I imagine it's the way any of us would wish to go out. Raising a nightcap in his direction tonight (I won't tell him it's alcohol-free if you don't)
  16. We'd better re-sign Tony Green then, he'll have a good ten years left in his legs.
  17. Good to see all the Spurs fans wearing masks and observing the six-person rule at Bale's arrival today oh wait none of them were
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