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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I was thinking the same, the whole "backing a winner" mentality and all.
  2. This was the one bet I'd have been happy to place.
  3. A mere £318 million matched on the Betfair market for the election. I wonder where Farage's money is this time.
  4. Well I don't know about you, but I feel reassured that a "lamp system" is what'll get us out of this, since all the other buzzwords have worked so well
  5. Right then @RobT, you're starting every match thread from now on. Welcome to your new life.
  6. Sean Connery will be looking down and thinking "what a sambles".
  7. I watched it with 30 Eurovision fans in an Irish pub in Utrecht before getting stuck into a pile of bitterballen.
  8. Could we stop trying to save Christmas please? I'll be delighted to not have to see anyone for once
  9. A tangible improvement on the original.
  10. I'm starting to think we might be too snobby, too perpetual.
  11. And that's just one state. Absolute joke of a democracy.
  12. Interestingly the French and German "lockdown light" variants they've just brought in still have the schools staying open. Aside from the benefit to the kids, as much as anything I imagine the feeling is it's better to have parents who can actually be productive at work rather than having to juggle it with home schooling. Either that or, like here, they've had time to come up with a more viable blended schooling concept in the meantime and just haven't bothered.
  13. This needs to be stopped Pronto (Pizza next to the Shahe by Wansbeck Road Metro)
  14. If it's any consolation, you're still overqualified to be a US presidential candidate
  15. Meat pie, luxury jerky Come on William, buy these turkeys
  16. Rival of Nelson Picket, I think.
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