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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    Stick that in your skillet and broil it. And no, I'd thought similar but cooking them whole means they still have a decent bit of bite to them.
  2. Meenzer


    I've made this (from Ottolenghi's Jerusalem book) a few times and did so again tonight. It's lush. https://inthekitchenwithkath.com/2015/04/08/spicy-carrot-salad-with-pilpelchuma/ Harissa is easier and works fine, and I chop and stir the rocket through the salad before serving. I also don't call it "arugula".
  3. Genie's firmly out of the bottle now, you'd have to say.
  4. [fade to black] On a river where they used to build the boats...
  5. (But seriously - because German humour is NO LAUGHING MATTER - we could probably use some of this kind of messaging and not just Classic Dom's endless parade of slogans. Might get a few more people on board.)
  6. His own departure is about the only thing he's managed to superforecast accurately.
  7. Fuck me, was there ever anything more Scotland than that?
  8. North Macedonia into the Euros via the back door. Greece didn't make it. Terrific.
  9. I suppose the argument that still works in favour of the Swedish approach is that even if they haven't ended up with better outcomes, they've ended up with similar outcomes with much less disruption to people's lives. But obviously that goes out of the window if they have a winter that's far worse than here, people are slow to accept mask requirements finally being imposed, etc., which wouldn't be altogether surprising.
  10. Ian Lavery, man of the people (as long as they're making contributions to a union that'll pay off his mortgage).
  11. I don't think a frozen trequartista is going to give you much movement in and and around the box.
  12. It's OK folks, we can relax, the bankers have found a way to pass it on to the little people after all https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/nov/11/staff-who-work-from-home-after-pandemic-should-pay-more-tax
  13. I wonder if it'll fit through the letterbox
  14. I'll take "Classic Czech Porno" for $500, Alex
  15. You'll be reassured to hear that this was raised in parliament yesterday and Hancock's answer was "I have confidence in our plans". No suggestion of what the plans are, but they'll have some. Definitely.
  16. I hope he took his laptop in with him.
  17. Aye, I have a nagging terror about all of this to be honest. Toontastic crowdfunder for a patch of land on a remote Scottish island where we can all hide out when the shit hits the fan, swapping tips on curry spice pots and taking the piss out of The Fish?
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