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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I can't get a decent photo of it so you'll just have to imagine what the concept of warmth and comfort looks like. That's what I have in autumn and winter instead of walking a dog in the pissing rain.
  2. Tough day for Vanuatu. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Philip_Movement
  3. Is it wrong that I'm glad this didn't happen on Eurovision day? Not least since our song this year is called "Embers", which would be a bit disrespectful if the old boy is being cremated.
  4. The Good, the Bad and the Ugli Fruit Smoothie with Chia Seeds
  5. If you're ENGLISH and you run your mouth off about a court case you've been specifically ordered not to nowadays, they HANG YOU and give your house to a Muslim. The country's gone.
  6. The best PM of CT's lifetime just keeps on giving https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/apr/06/david-cameron-britain-greensill-access-lobbying
  7. Aye, I've read similar but the link would only give me appointments for that day or the next, and I was worried if I didn't say yes then they might count that as a refusal and forget about me after 12 weeks. Probably daft but there you go. As the Germans will proudly insist on saying, I had the BioNTech. (Pfizer. )
  8. I had my second one way ahead of schedule last week, seemingly because the GP's surgery had a batch that needed using up (actually the same batch as my first one) so they sent out a bunch of invitations at short notice. 12 weeks would have taken me to mid-May. Not that this helps you at all, but it'll annoy Gemmill so that's grand.
  9. Meenzer


    I hear it pairs well with a Norwegian red.
  10. Meenzer


    Well, you know what they say...
  11. Meenzer


    Ketchup would have to have vinegar or similar in it to be ketchup, I'd have thought?
  12. I feel sorry for the racists. Imagine being told you don't exist? Poor souls.
  13. If even fine campaigners like these couldn't get us to change our ways, nothing ever will.
  14. Meenzer


    They are if you put them under enough denpressure.
  15. Meenzer


    Howay lads, this is where it's at.
  16. Meenzer


    Prices on that restaurant's menu looked all right to me like. It's got me even more desperate to travel again though, so a big for that.
  17. As the old saying goes, before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? You're a mile away and you've got his shoes.
  18. Meenzer


    And lose culinary milestones like this?
  19. Not saying he's a one-trick pony, but this is what he's come back with this year.
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