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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Canny playlist for a shuffle ( ) , this. Although "obscure" is pushing it in several cases. As is "Britpop", for that matter. You get the gist though.
  2. I usually do but sometimes I forget to turn on bluetooth when I leave the house (I leave it off as standard because it constantly triggers various apps tied to things like my Garmin watch). And our self-isolation recently wasn't via the app but because of a friend who tested positive via contact testing, so there's plenty of ways for it to get you even without the app. 🤦‍♂️ I do believe there's a silent majority who are still trying to follow the rules as best they can, but it's understandable that everyone's patience is wearing thin.
  3. Not lifting the self-isolation requirements at the same time as the last restrictions are lifted seems incredibly ill-advised. If you're going to do one then surely both? I suppose it's nearly school holidays by then so the schools won't be affected any more, but still.
  4. Might become a Denmark fan
  5. What I find odd is how they think this can be reconciled with their expressed intention to make foreign travel happen again any time soon. No one's going to let us in once we hit those kind of rates.
  6. As ill-advised as the government's approach is, we need to be careful not to demonise beaches, parks and other outdoor spaces, given what we've learned about transmission and ventilation in the meantime.
  7. Speaking of Dabizas, decent read: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/jul/05/we-wanted-to-finish-the-miracle-how-greece-won-euro-2004-against-all-odds
  8. Aye, we've just been caught up in close contact isolation for the first time and it does seem a bit daft that we're stuck at home for another few days when we're double-jabbed, met the person in question outdoors and have had no symptoms and tested negative (as has everyone else who was around). But then I would be saying that when it affects me. I can see why they're talking about changing that side of the rules, though, even if a general free-for-all is clearly massively ill-advised.
  9. Dabizas is basically an honorary Geordie and he has, though he wasn't playing for us by then. And he didn't actually get any minutes in the tournament. It'll still annoy them though.
  10. Gets you the best tunes, too
  11. Can't wait for another 45 minutes of this tedium
  12. On a totally different subject, this is a cracking little local tale: https://narratively.com/the-bank-robbers-who-couldnt-shoot-straight-or-do-anything-right-really/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
  13. Hope it's an Italy-England final now, that level of Italian shithousery in front of a Wembley crowd as they're grinding out a 1-0 win will be [chef's kiss]
  14. After 16 months of both of us working from home the whole time, I can safely say that, if anything, following Covid guidance leads to a significant reduction in homosexual behaviour.
  15. From what I've read, there's a decent amount of pork barrel politics involved - jealous glances at the neighbouring constituencies that went Tory last time and have been promised investment that Batley hasn't. Combined with disaffected Muslim voters who'd normally be Labour's core vote in the area but who say they're voting elsewhere this time because of Starmer's statements on foreign policy issues.
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