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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Pretty damn good to be honest. Buried under a pile of work at the moment, but I'm taking a couple of weeks off from Monday night onwards, so another few days of translation-induced insomnia won't kill me. And I've hooked up with the fella I was visiting in London back whenever it was, so there'll be plenty of relationship-commuting going on once he's back at uni in the autumn - i.e. you and me will finally get round to having that pint of water before long. Hot date propositions from medina aside, how are you?
  2. Oh Martin you thweet thing. :limpwristedslap: Jutht how have you been dahhhling? 3614[/snapback] Would "thuper!" be too obvious?
  3. Absolutely anything by Roald Dahl, yeah... I started getting into Douglas Adams and stuff like that when I was very young, too, so I always associate it with my childhood even though I'm still a big fan of it now.
  4. Heights???? oh bugger...is this a bad time to point out Im 6'8 and live on the 8th floor? I suppose a canoodle on me balcony is reet oota the question then! 3302[/snapback] get a room! 3307[/snapback] ...just not in the penthouse suite of a skyscraper hotel
  5. You all deserved it. And more besides.
  6. I rarely eat breakfast at all, to be honest. But if I do it'll generally be variations on that kind of theme.
  7. Let me get this right, you want us to stop quoting this picture? 2619[/snapback] Technically they're not fucking, they're kissing, so this really isn't a fucking picture now is it? 2745[/snapback] You can't see the bottom half of the picture, mind. Ruud might not just look like one.
  8. "Under the grill" and "melted to the point of being ever-so-slightly browned" respectively. </delia>
  9. I suppose the rye bread is quite a German thing, but the tomato/mozzarella combination is pseudo-Italian if anything. And yeah it's nice, though mozzarella can be pretty bland, hence the basil (a dash of pepper and a drizzle of olive oil don't hurt either).
  10. This morning 'twas rye bread toasties with tomato, mozzarella and basil.
  11. But the Muslim population of the UK is around 1.6 million? </lordwestwood>
  12. Let me get this right, you want us to stop quoting this picture? 2619[/snapback] Might be an idea like 2624[/snapback] Aye.
  13. Let me get this right, you want us to stop quoting this picture?
  14. Thats not random. 2586[/snapback] Neither is that! 2589[/snapback] is this random? 2590[/snapback] I'll need some time to think about that.
  15. Meenzer, I'm very disappointed you posted this picture. 2420[/snapback] Consider me suitably chastened. 2552[/snapback] Will people stop quoting posts like this as it just means the photo keeps re-appearing!!! 2561[/snapback] At least once we've moved onto the next page it'll go. 2568[/snapback] True. That'll be a great relief.
  16. Meenzer, I'm very disappointed you posted this picture. 2420[/snapback] Consider me suitably chastened.
  17. Kate N'All? What kind of name is that?
  18. OK, OK... since it's my first post and all...
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