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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. This morning 'twas rye bread toasties with tomato, mozzarella and basil.
  2. But the Muslim population of the UK is around 1.6 million? </lordwestwood>
  3. Let me get this right, you want us to stop quoting this picture? 2619[/snapback] Might be an idea like 2624[/snapback] Aye.
  4. Let me get this right, you want us to stop quoting this picture?
  5. Thats not random. 2586[/snapback] Neither is that! 2589[/snapback] is this random? 2590[/snapback] I'll need some time to think about that.
  6. Meenzer, I'm very disappointed you posted this picture. 2420[/snapback] Consider me suitably chastened. 2552[/snapback] Will people stop quoting posts like this as it just means the photo keeps re-appearing!!! 2561[/snapback] At least once we've moved onto the next page it'll go. 2568[/snapback] True. That'll be a great relief.
  7. Meenzer, I'm very disappointed you posted this picture. 2420[/snapback] Consider me suitably chastened.
  8. Kate N'All? What kind of name is that?
  9. OK, OK... since it's my first post and all...
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