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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Guess those Islamic fundamentalists have a point after all
  2. Häppy börsday tü you, häppy börsday tü you, häppy bööööörsday...
  3. That's a sex toy paraphernalia point you've got there. Dammit, didn't work...
  4. Ahh, good old Medina, the very definition of "boy who cried wolf"...
  5. He says you're not too bad yourself...
  6. Meenzer

    Joke time

    A tumbleweed reply.
  7. I'm the same. Maybe it's to do with being reminded of my own mortality or something. There's even a dead bird on the pavement near my house which is gradually decaying and for days now I've been walking on the other side of the road to get to the shops so that I don't have to walk past it.
  8. I really enjoyed Madagascar (excessive doses of "I Like To Move It" aside). It didn't surprise or astound me in any way, and as such, was perfect Tuesday night popcorn fare. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was... OK. And I'd have enjoyed The Island a lot more if it wasn't for the product placement overdose.
  9. The same Man U game that I happen to be in Toon for? It's going to be my lucky weekend!
  10. No worries. Come for the pissup anyway.
  11. Can't resist the opportunity to buy me a drink, eh?
  12. Approximately £1249.99 plus VAT 11919[/snapback] But is that 16% VAT like in Germany, 25% VAT like in Sweden, 5% VAT like in Singapore...? I'm sure you'll agree there's quite a range there.
  13. Sigur Rós videos are always cheerfully insane.
  14. If the music's decent (which is unusual) and there's areas where you can actually sit and talk (well, shout), then it can be OK. Meat markets are horrible though.
  15. Aww, used to go there for Sunday lunch with me gran. That and somewhere out Longframlington way, can't remember the name now...
  16. Angelina Jolie is to this thread what Brad Pitt is to the other one - a safe default choice. Nonetheless, I can see the appeal. I'll have a think though, try and come up with something a bit more inventive...
  17. Haddaway man, you could reach them from the ground...
  18. Luis Boa Morte aaaaaaand... Dickov?
  19. Love City Groove - Love City Groove. Choon.
  20. So you are more the socket as opposed to being the plug? 4969[/snapback] Everyday of the week, the whole "Sam" thing is a cover up, the pm's to Meenzer were never found out! (thanks Meenzer honey xxx) But this thread has finally given me the courage! 4970[/snapback] Don't worry, I've got them all saved for when you trade me in for a younger model.
  21. Nice idea I reckon. A kind of dictionary/glossary of all the words, phrases and classic moments that keep being referred to. Could be a sticky at the top of the Gold forum, if it happens. Speaking of which - do threads get locked and put in the Gold forum once they're basically finished and nobody's posting in them any more? Or can they still be posted to? If the former, what are the criteria for deciding when a thread's dead? After all, half of the fun of Gemmill-style threads is resurrecting them for the umpteenth time when it's least expected...
  22. Peasepud flees yet another Islam thread...
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