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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. 'Fraid so... just done with work for the night. Trying to pay a few bills before hitting the Toon next week, while simultaneously making plans for the social side of said Toon-hitting. My head hurts.
  2. Good grief. You! You!!! Hey. Great avatar btw.
  3. what about german ones ? 14738[/snapback] They all ticked "none of the above".
  4. He's orange. 14729[/snapback] "I'm not orange, I'm black and white." Reminds me of another England defender...
  5. Buddha frowned before waddling off in a huff.
  6. 96% of British Muslims think statistics are bollocks.
  7. Political correctness gone mad Shouldn't be allowed to say "blackboard" Should be allowed to say "Paki" Would prefer to live in Saudi Arabia etc. etc. (Just trying to head this one off at the pass. )
  8. sometimes less is more? 14666[/snapback] Especially if they're twice their usual size
  9. Frankly I think that pic should replace the toontastic.net banner at the top of the page, such is its iconic status. 14619[/snapback] Only as long as we put up one of two women doing the same...purely for balance you understand!!! 14622[/snapback] Oh, absolutely. It'd have to be a carefully selected photo, too - only the best possible quality. I'll count on you to do the necessary research?
  10. Frankly I think that pic should replace the toontastic.net banner at the top of the page, such is its iconic status.
  11. Victoria Wood? Blimey. Readers Digest must be home to the gay-and-grey brigade these days...
  12. stfu n00b, Jesus pwned ur ass! 14573[/snapback] Its always about the ass with you isn't it 14576[/snapback] Hell no, I like the cock as much as the next man (assuming the next man is Steve).
  13. stfu n00b, Jesus pwned ur ass!
  14. Can't wait for my fella to turn 20. There's something socially unacceptable about telling people you're dating a teenager when you're well into your 20s, even though he's vastly more mature than I am. *makes fart joke*
  15. I love the level of scientific accuracy there. What's next? "Some personal music players (if you put them through huge fucking amplifiers) - 7 trillion decibels"?
  16. So I can ogle lasses that are out of my range on an Internet messageboard too? Where do I sign up?
  17. there we go ... just thought i'd quote this so that we'd have it on the new page too 11082[/snapback] C'mon, you know that only works for this pic:
  18. I was considering penning a multi-paragraph odyssey on the joys of cocksucking, but on second thoughts, I don't think I can possibly compete with that...
  19. Needs a lift to IKEA. 13859[/snapback] Ahh. Curse those flat-packin' peodophils!
  20. Still on a high after the Sigur Rós gig here last month. Which is a bit tragic really. Can't wait for the new album. Sammy's marked a lot of my territory already, but I'll add Do Make Say Think and the various Godspeed side-projects (Silver Mt. Zion et al) to the pile.
  21. Does he need to pick some stuff up from a garden centre or something?
  22. I've got visions of a misguided hate campaign brewing... help, there's a psychopath living in our neighbourhood! Let's make a bunch of "Piscopat's Out" signs and go and burn his house down! ....Just me then?
  23. Well, there was a thread that would have given you the answer...
  24. And they say the terrorists have a completely different mindset to us... whoever knew we shared so much common ground?
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