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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. And you still couldn't make it to Newcastle for the Man U game, bitch?
  2. OK, is there something we should know?
  3. You're lucky, we've wasted all day posting to the bugger...
  4. At least a tit wank I reckon 30437[/snapback] Result!
  5. Who's racist against splinters? Wouldn't they be splinterist? 30383[/snapback] Depends if it's beech or mahogany tbh.
  6. Selective quoting? You should be a Sun Sub-editor. 30370[/snapback] Uh? But he was asking you a question based on what he quoted...
  7. This is like that thread with those guys who posted that stuff that time.
  8. The sound desolate landscapes would make if they could... I can see that, yeah.
  9. Ah right, it'll have been Django then - it was my raving about the likes of GSYBE that got us on the subject in the first place, I think. Gotta love them, the pretentious bastards.
  10. "Spiderland"? Excellent stuff. Think it must've been you - or Django, at a pinch - on the old board who did enough of a hard-sell to get me to check out Slint in the first place. Consider yourself thanked, if indeed it was you. My memory's not what it used to be.
  11. You fancy blokes, I rest my case 30226[/snapback] *files under "hinder"*
  12. Pleasure was all mine! I can't believe we didn't coordinate our outfits beforehand though. Must try harder next time!
  13. Does it help or hinder the argument if I say I think she's quite pretty?
  14. Gol's absolutely right, of course, I certainly do get wound up on occasion. It's just reassuring when threads like this come along and demonstrate that there are always people who are capable of being even more po-faced than me. tbh.
  15. I wouldn't mind, but he collared me on MSN late last night and assured me he wasn't drunk or anything. I'm still faintly bemused by the concept of having a thread in my honour though. Anyway, I don't know about asking me out per se, but he's definitely angling for a free drink at the next pissup I reckon. Frothy pink cocktails all round!
  16. Seems to be true... http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/06/en/t/sc/d...5&month=9&day=7
  17. Ah crap, I knew I shouldn't have started this.
  18. Thought this was going to be a thread where you cream yourself over the latest Britney release. I'm disappointed.
  19. If you can admit to eating chick pea curries, coming out to your parents should be a doddle, Sammy. 29491[/snapback] Want to bet? I got some beads and string and made a frigging bead necklace at the breakfast table once and mine still didn't twig.
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