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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Years in prison: 67.5 Potential fine: £7000 Cool
  2. ...at the right end this time, though.
  3. I'm close to chucking it all in here, England's starting to piss me off. I wanna go home, so I'm in. 47396[/snapback] And there's me considering moving back at some point in the near future. If you're going to leave the country, that just about seals it...
  4. If you did, I didn't get it - fire away!
  5. Your fella? But you're a guy. What's going on he... Oh. 47116[/snapback] Aye. You're dumped.
  6. My fella flogged his on eBay after he realised he was too short and it just looked like he was wearing trousers he'd grown out of slightly.
  7. Meenzer

    Retro sweets

    Naah, even as a nipper I knew the One Team Per League rule.
  8. Meenzer

    Retro sweets

    Ahh, McCowans' Highland Toffee. Made in Stenhousemuir and, with the benefit of hindsight, probably the reason why I had a strange obsession with their football team for a number of years as a kid.
  9. Meenzer

    Retro sweets

    Ohhh my. I love the way they've had to go metric, mind. Now where's the 10p mix-up option...?
  10. Dug out my old vids recently for another viewing. Couldn't agree more, it's excellent stuff.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4339460.stm ?
  12. That's me on the right, looking disgruntled at having the obvious pointed out to me.
  13. ...unless they happen to be called Swindon Mag.
  14. I just wonder when I got so good at plumbing...
  15. Tch, do I not even get a queeny crown for my troubles?
  16. I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment (and Rob's old enough to stick up for himself anyway ), but you've got to admit there's an element of "boy who cried wolf" after a while...
  17. "leave them alone they aren't breaking any laws"...oh "and if you don't like it you can always go to Saudi Arabia".......RobW 45190[/snapback] One anti-Souness post registered on the Newcastle Forum already, followed immediately by this on General. LM's work for today is done. 45192[/snapback] You'd think so, wouldn't you...?
  18. I thought it was your sheer nerdiness and Steve's sheer nerdiness. 45180[/snapback] Nah, I only love Steve because he brings his own knee-pads.
  19. DanTheMan's sheer nerdiness and my sheer nerdiness are in mad passionate love with each other.
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