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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I just struggle to get on with any band that seems so completely humourless...
  2. Meenzer


    ...or at least I would if it was giving me any available fares at all for any dates around then.
  3. Meenzer


    I'm just about to book a London-Newcastle trip either side of Christmas... I have a feeling the prices aren't going to be pretty.
  4. If they're claiming there wasn't even any potential danger, then why evacuate? Some people need to engage their brains...
  5. Are you auditioning for a part in Eastenders or something?
  6. I doubt mice are big enough to knock people over. Maybe if they stand on each other's shoulders and form a mouse pyramid...
  7. That was about it actually. Oh, and after all that, I buckled and got him a bloody CD and DVD, didn't I? But I also hot-footed it over to IKEA while he was at work one day and stocked up on the ingredients for a full-on Swedish Christmas dinner, which is something we both lurrrrve. Whipped it up like a good little househusband (the meal, that is), and it seemed to go down a treat (the meal, that is). (The parentheses are for Jonny's benefit, since he seems to be such a perceptive little fella. )
  8. Should do his damnedest to avoid Frankfurt itself, for that matter.
  9. I don't care what you think of Jews, I'll not have anyone dissing the rebellion. 52884[/snapback] Gaaaaaah.
  10. I'm talking semantics and you're giving me a crash course in nerdology, dammit.
  11. Like "The Empire Strikes Back" isn't the cry of a million nerds just dying to get their own back on the school bully.
  12. Teach them well, and let them lead the way... show them all the beauty they possess inside...
  13. I'll play centre-back or defensive midfield. I have an excellent rearguard action.
  14. Aha! Just as I thought I might have to do some actual work, along comes Lightning Pool to save the day... cheers fellas
  15. "I'd let you watch, I would invite you, but the pricks we handle would not excite you..." Or something.
  16. I go out on the gay scene a fair bit, so I'm used to dealing with pricks. I'd say that makes me far better placed to judge Dyer than this "Howaythelads" character.
  17. All I see is "pint... pint... pint... pint..."?
  18. Now those are the kind of techy specs I like
  19. You remember that "welcome to half an hour ago" comment a wee while back? Change that into "welcome to one page ago", and....
  20. I've been thinking of indulging in an external HD for a while now. Don't really know a thing about them though - need to gen up on price/capacity ratios, speed of access and the like first, I spose...
  21. Christ, it's dark already. I know this shouldn't come as much of a surprise, but still. Bah.
  22. On a vaguely related note, Mini Golf doesn't seem to be accorded the same status as the other games, in terms of turning up on your high-score list when you click on your name in the arcade and the like. Not that I have a vested interest in its due recognition, obviously...
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