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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Oh balls, you mean I have to fire up Paint again?
  2. Excellent. I welcome the influx of new posters.
  3. Nothing for a winky? 90143[/snapback] I think the going rate on the Reeperbahn's 20 euros...
  4. It's either that or digging up Wilf Mannion I suppose... who else have they got?
  5. Anyway, I think we need to hit back with a campaign in favour of the Official Fan Choice. Anyone volunteer to stand outside Villa Park handing these out?
  6. One (tempered by a ) out of two... I'll take that.
  7. Well sure, it's bad news for the Danes, but think of all those little piggies who get to run free!
  8. No, that's what Martin Jol gets up to after hours. 90127[/snapback] Romansch is spoken in parts of Switzerland, but very small parts... about 50,000 people or so, I think. Probably not helped these days by the fact that it's got similarities to Italian (in particular) and French. Didn't stop them writing their 1989 Eurovision entry in the language though.
  9. Was that before or after you turned the bat the wrong way round? 90041[/snapback] During! Christ knows how...
  10. Wahey! Herzlichen stuff-and-nonsense to you
  11. Pissup types excluded (because if I singled any of them out, the others would get in a girly strop), I always enjoy a dose of Sicklee Sausage Roll, and Django's musical musings make me happy. And damn Elric/Insincere Dave for ending up on the dark side. He was lovely.
  12. 10-15 years ago I'd have been firmly in my thrash metal phase. Ah, the joy of faded T-shirts, ripped jeans and dodgy hair.
  13. You mean you don't have Tesco Extra over there?
  14. Is now. 89679[/snapback] 89683[/snapback]
  15. I doubt even most Swiss Germans will think of their dialects as an own language! Hitzfeld is so good, he's invented a whole new language and masters it perfectly tbh. 89626[/snapback] You're right, it's probably just living in Hamburg that's given me that impression... the local lingo feels very different to what's spoken in Germany's southern neighbour, Bavaria, and its satellite states of Austria and Switzerland... I'm still liking the idea of the broken Spaniards, too...
  16. Just a forum tradition, tee bee aitch. He was shot 9 times, don'tchaknow?
  17. Swiss Germans will claim they have their own language, mind. Whereupon normal Germans (a contradiction in terms, I know, but bear with me...) will laugh heartily.
  18. That's only because I moved here. You're all fat bastards. 89601[/snapback] That ava is horrible. 89603[/snapback] It's not helping my Monday morning, ähh, grogginess at all.
  19. And its natural counterpart... http://www.sicksack.com/
  20. On the plus side, there's always the Scolari/Hitler thing.
  21. It was the cabbage boycott in WW2 wot won it.
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