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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Coincidentally also my main criterion when it comes to pizza!
  2. I imagine this transfer speculation thing will get old pretty soon, but right now the very fact of being involved in transfers is still a glorious novelty. Keep it coming, even the stuff that's patently absolute bollocks.
  3. Virtue signalling snowflakes
  4. Whatever our views on everything else, I'm sure we can all come together and agree that the Djokovic situation is objectively hilarious.
  5. In absolute numbers, not value. EDIT: Oh okay, I see what you mean. Of course there are baseline comparison factors because of Covid, but still, if the December figures are better than the January ones then that suggests the net impact from Brexit actually coming into force hasn't been too brutal just yet.
  6. They're higher than they were when the EU-UK trade deal came into force, if that's relevant at all.
  7. You'd be caught between iraq and a hard place. I'll get me coat.
  8. I feel as if I'm falling for some kind of Godwin's Law boobytrap by even going near this one, but...
  9. Isn't an ad hominem when you attack a person instead of addressing their points? We may require a different pseudo-intellectual Latin phrase for addressing someone's points then adding an extra dig just for the hell of it.
  10. It's certainly old-fashioned but I don't see what spiders have to do with it.
  11. If it's any consolation, last week the rate per 100,000 people in my part of London got as high as 2,800. God bless the neighbourhood-level drilldowns you can do in the UK Covid dashboard.
  12. #house #home #wealth #countryliving #heronfoods #hashtag
  13. They've turned off the replies on this one, can't think why
  14. Although the idea of them being multi-million pound assets in the first place is also a bit mental, so...
  15. New Year party food wherever you look, too. Gorge yourself on an Iceland buffet.
  16. Tangentially, I saw this at the supermarket today
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