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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Apparently the corners of the Pink Triangle have been changed to Whickham, Wideopen and Walkergate. Who knew?
  2. Good god, I forgot all about him. Deserved banning for having "stylee" in his name and the cockend from The Darkness in his avatar tbh.
  3. If it's not as relentlessly bleak and gloriously miserable as iLiKETRAiNS' "Progress Reform", I don't want to know, sista.
  4. Liar, I've heard the moans from across town....oooh, debit, aaahh credit, hmm stop it you naughty suspense account you! DOUBLE-ENTRY!!!!!
  5. If all else fails: PoofSmear!
  6. I saw the sign and it opened up my mind
  7. Meenzer

    FAO Gol

    Which is where you will find Gol (and Craig)
  8. Meenzer

    FAO Gol

    J69 sends photos with no head...
  9. Love that site, it's worth it for the Andrea Moda story alone
  10. Meenzer

    FAO Gol

    Is the next line of your avatar "A female Gol / Craig, a drop of golden sun"?
  11. I have that problem too. Aye, here too - the best bet is a Wetherspoons, which says it all really.
  12. Is that not one of McFly?
  13. I'm with PlusNet, who are pretty adequate. Smack in the middle of the price and performance range based on what I've experienced in the past.
  14. Cheers though Craig, wouldn't be the same without the potential for deliberate "comedy" double-posting.
  15. Two bowls of bran flakes and a low-fat black cherry yoghurt. Flippin' luxury.
  16. People with legs and humans will be celebrating too-oooo...
  17. Hmmmm. If that's true then it's not a bad way to diet. I reckon it's bullshit though. How would that have got up there?
  18. Dead easy/quick to get into central London without being inner-city scumsville.
  19. You'll come back to find your car windows double-glazed, mind...
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