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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Pat Sharp's show, apparently. Class.
  2. The webcast of Radio Newcastle appears to be their ethnic music show.
  3. She wants Gemmill out I said she wants Gemmill out
  4. It strikes me that I've got a Guardian mug and a greatest hits album visible on my desk. Could be a hanging offence in certain quarters of this forum.
  5. DEADLY MAN FLU is no laughing matter. It has to be, I wouldn't have a clue what I was doing work-wise otherwise. You should see the rest of the flat though...
  6. This is my salubrious home office...
  7. I've heard he has daft facial hair
  8. "Fiver a pop, there's plenty more in the carriage!"
  9. That's class. I love the way the tone just changes completely halfway through. Female schizophrenia at its finest.
  10. Don't let the monotone Finnish accent fool you, this kid is a fucking nightmare! You seen the photos of the McLaren guys dragging him out of a bar completely wasted? Ah, true, now that you mention it...
  11. Hope you have more luck than last time! More to the point, I hope he does!
  12. Might have another pop at an Aussies-and-gayers-stranded-in-London meetup this Saturday.
  13. Meenzer


    Lanky Birthday!
  14. It's midnight, I'm dashing off the work I should have done at 6 or so, soothing my soul with a long drink in the process... Elliott Smith - Figure 8 seems adequate accompaniment.
  15. Dire Straits - So Far Away I am my dad.
  16. It'll rot your stomach before it kills you. I've got girl flu Pah! Merely a mild case of the DEADLY MAN FLU I've had for the last YEAR. Well, week and a half.
  17. Knowing south-eastern trains, it probably improves the ambience...
  18. Fine by me. I'm all for art that makes you think, or even just laugh at how ludicrous it is. Beats the "Ooh, it's another portrait of an aristocratic gentleman with a silly moustache/a peasant woman feeding the chickens/an obscure Dutch river" approach any day.
  19. Räikkönen and personality in the same breath. There's a first time for everything.
  20. You forgot "He reminds me of a girl I knooooooooooooow" etc.
  21. It's not that simple, though, is it? Surely one of the main benefits of the whole download "revolution" (cough) is that it gives artists the ability to release material at their own will, i.e. as individual songs, "EPs", "albums", indeed in whatever form or quantity and at whatever stage of production they desire, irrespective of record company parameters and timelines of the "album and four single releases with diminishing chart returns" variety? It might well still be the case that a lot of bands, particularly those signed to major labels, still adopt (or are forced to adopt) "one album every 18 months and a couple of tours" (say) as the timeframe that dictates their actions, but we're still in the early days of the digital music age, so I don't see any reason why the trend shouldn't keep moving in a more random and free direction.
  22. Devin Townsend/Ocean Machine - Biomech
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