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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Cracking stuff. That opening salvo of Refuse/Resist, Territory and and Slave New World is hard to top. One of their best, shame they went to shit afterwards. I do like Roots, if only it was a little less self-indulgent or a couple of songs shorter. After that, yeah, indifference. Soulfly were cack too.
  2. Cool. Any other tactical insights Roeder fancies giving away to the press, the public and the opposition before we get going?
  3. Isn't that heavy metal all over though? I've always found Erasure to be ahead of their time when it comes to musical innovation.
  4. Cracking stuff. That opening salvo of Refuse/Resist, Territory and and Slave New World is hard to top.
  5. I remember when NME went through their Metallica-worship phase around 98/99. Very odd, but it does suggest they're more than just your average dumb metal band. Inevitably getting older now, though, hence Lars Ulrich's (further) descent into utter humourlessness, which is always amusing to view...
  6. Probably got 2000 bookmarks tbh. Nah, I would have if you couldn't just type "happiness" in the 'search topic' box. Oh piss. Why have I never noticed that before? Cheers!
  7. In my experience the only danger of staying in a hostel is that the place itself might be exceedingly dull, but then that's probably my own fault for believing that places like Luxembourg would make decent weekend destinations...
  8. What a film. Bit of an eye-opener, isn't it? I was hoping to read some alternative views before even trying to start working out what I made of it.
  9. Right, maybe I'm just being dense but is there any way of using the search function to skip straight to a specific post? I've just watched Todd Solondz's "Happiness'' and I know it's been mentioned on here before, but I'm buggered if I'm wading through 107 pages to find out where...
  10. ESPN Classics is turning out canny, they've got the rights to some interesting stuff (and some tosh, obviously). There was some decent 1970s Formula 1 on recently.
  11. I want to say "Two cats on the shirt, jewles remain still cleaming", but that wasn't him, was it? So should have been though. Liquid gold.
  12. What were you and young SMO up to at the time? Erm... donating fluids? P.S. Duly signed up, been meaning to do it for years. Ta for the prod Cath.
  13. Nor has it ever stopped him before.
  14. Better than Scotland. Or Greece or Egypt or Tunisia or Poland recently What is better? The fact that they qualify. Are there teams from CONCAF that don't qualify who have more than 11 registered footballers. You would like to compare Honduras with Liberia? Or the Congo with Jamaica? Two competent CONCACAF teams who've qualified for a World Cup with two competent African teams who haven't? Sure
  15. Meenzer

    Mahjongg 2

    THOSE IN GLASS HOUSES..., SIMON CHAMPION. No, it's Jody Jamieson.
  16. I haven't heard the word "stiffy" since I was 12 or something. Class.
  17. Well it'd make you think twice about being proud to say "at least he died doing what he loved best".
  18. Anyone want my copy? I rarely get rid of books but, for all I more or less enjoyed it, I can't see myself ever reading it again.
  20. Funnier the first time tbh. *batters you with HEATHER MILLS-McCARTNEY'S SPARE LEG*
  21. God, isn't he? Next he'll be saying Hunt came into the intensive care unit and tried to batter Cech with HEATHER MILLS-McCARTNEY's SPARE LEG
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