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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Jarvis Cocker on the year that was. http://www.timeout.com/london/music/features/2385.html Not a bad read.
  2. I could use a bit of that. Still not feeling the Christmas love at all.
  3. Mind, I love those adverts that rattle on about the health benefits of tea and how drinking it makes you a happy, well-rounded and flavonoid-packed individual. Then the small print mentions that you have to drink at least four mugs a day for it to have any kind of effect.
  4. You're probably not wrong. Still not doing it mind.
  5. Unfortunately it was merely the company and not the car itself. He wants some Porsche prototype for his collection. They want to lick his arse.
  6. I have to admit this is a thoroughly rare case of the Germans getting it right. Hell, when I visited my company's office in Offenbach the other week they were busy testing out their third coffee machine in as many weeks to see which one was best. Proper café-style bean-cruncher and all. Mine's a gnarly little Bosch number. Dude! Way!
  7. I just translated a letter from Porsche to Jerry Seinfeld.
  8. I have to admit this is a thoroughly rare case of the Germans getting it right. Hell, when I visited my company's office in Offenbach the other week they were busy testing out their third coffee machine in as many weeks to see which one was best. Proper café-style bean-cruncher and all. Mine's a gnarly little Bosch number.
  9. Meenzer

    Xmas tipples

    You can always use instant Kahlua if you can't be bothered to mix yourself a proper cocktail.
  10. Can't bring myself to watch it, but I'm sure my mate Eddie will be creaming himself in anticipation. This is just one wall of his living room: Boys.
  11. At least with microwave meals you can, I don't know, add seasoning or something to try and make them taste at least vaguely like what they're meant to resemble. Bloody coffee snob and proud of it.
  12. That's proper rubbish, that. Hope you move onwards and upwards (though young Brock's eggnog/urination plan sounds like a fine intermediate measure).
  13. Well take it out again, you don't know where it's been.
  14. If it was karma you would be dead tbh What's he done to deserve that?! Ridiculed J69 on an internet message board, obviously. And made him cry by the looks of it. If there was karma you'd be getting the 72 virgins treatment for that alone, to be honest
  15. They must do, they employed me. King Street, yep. Nice enough place actually, didn't seem too pricey for what it was (given that it was a Christmas menu and all).
  16. I meant to mention, I had my first proper experience of that glorious city recently (office Christmas bash). Didn't get stabbed or anything. Missing out tbh. Where did you go? Some semi-poncey French place called... erm, French Living I think, rather disappointingly. It's a bistro attached to a café/food shop, hence the somewhat ordinary name. It's on one of those streets off Market Square (which I realise really narrows it down). Oh, and on to some pub afterwards that merits the following description on beerintheevening: "A theme pub. That is assuming you consider 'slow, lingering, agonising death' to be a theme." Looking at it like that, I'm not convinced it was worth the trip up from London really, general brown-nosing aside...
  17. Meenzer

    FAO Matt

    Aha! Glad they got the fella. I'm sure he's far from the only one, but if it makes a few people wind their neck in next time then all the better.
  18. I meant to mention, I had my first proper experience of that glorious city recently (office Christmas bash). Didn't get stabbed or anything. The centre seemed perfectly OK actually, but then it was a weeknight...
  19. Shame "double wanker" doesn't scan.
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