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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. And explain what the product is, of course. "SKIRBLE for 37. Set of plastic coat-hangers."
  2. IKEA Scrabble is great. You just have to come up with words that sound like they could be daft IKEA product names.
  3. Just been immediately plonked into the middle of a 2-week accounting manual-type project. "Yes", then.
  4. Meenzer


    Love them all. You only get about 2 of each in a pack these days though.
  5. That's just saved you from the derision.
  6. Picked up "Tales Of The City" at a charity shop at some point, but it's still sitting on the shelf gathering dust...
  7. She is, yeah. Another friend took the photo, so I only just got it. I go to see Lauren in six days, it's pretty exciting. I've just seen photos from their NYE party. I like this one: She's on the left. anyone else hear Jimbo thundering towards this thread with Kleenex in one hand and... something less mentionable in the other Industrial-sized bottle of window cleaner for those fucking glasses?
  8. Relax Would've stopped him getting scarred, for a start.
  9. I got sidetracked by some Paulo Coelho, so this was the only one of the three I got through in the end. Decent read and Tóibín's clearly a skilled writer, but I'd really like to read a piece of "proper" gay lit that isn't set in the 80s and doesn't involve lots of AIDS-related deaths. I appreciate it's a defining topic for authors of a certain age, but by god it gets dull after a while.
  10. Mate! Did you not just see the gip brock has been getting
  11. Argh. Was up until 5am on New Year so didn't get up till about 3 in the afternoon yesterday so didn't get to bed until 5 again so..... argh. Happy New Year everyone, by the way.
  12. Well he got out of Belgrade. But is still stranded in Zurich. Cancelled and rebooked and allegedly taking off in about 30 minutes, but I'm not setting a foot in the direction of Heathrow until the website tells me they're actually mid-air....
  13. See, what you've done there is said "you"...
  14. Regular Sunday opening times on Christmas Eve I presume? That'll be fun.
  15. Meenzer


    Did you live in Narnia? EDIR: Soory to go of topic but how's stuff going with that slag you posted about? I see you haven't posted again so either our advice was useless or she's fucked off. No, I didn't. But I did read the book. It was in Mosstodloch (about halfway between Aberdeen and Inverness) where I learnt this rhyme. (What's with the new spellchecker? And how come learnt isn't a word?) She's still in my life. I told a friend I was thinking about not speaking to her anymore then the friend told her (?!) and she got all upset. Right now we're being very naughty people and I try not to talk about it too much anymore. Mosstodloch? Sheesh, what a fricking shitehole. I know, because I used to live not so far away myself. You'd have been better of living down the road in Elgin. Todloch would be German for "Death Hole". Not inappropriate by the sounds of it.
  16. Going back to the parental abode and seeing it all kitted out for Christmas is usually what does it for me. But since that's not until late tomorrow night, it doesn't exactly leave much room for anticipation.
  17. He'll still have to take it with him to the library tbh.
  18. Birmingham's a grand place to study for a few years as everything's pretty compact and the place is big enough to have every kind of shop, eatery etc. you'd want, but it's ugly as fuck, there's no denying that.
  19. I bain't lettin' you near moi arrrsle!
  20. Indeed! He's flying with Swiss via Zurich rather than BA, which improves his chances, but we'll see. If it's a comfortable-hotel-in-Switzerland Christmas and New Year, well, that could be worse.
  21. Followed by "My Sharona" and the Smiths' "Panic". There's some fucked-up playlisters on duty at this hour. That's possibly the best three songs I've ever heard of on the radio tbh. It's all Janice Long's doing, giving her the overnight slot is clearly a work of genius. She was trying to arrange a time when all her listeners could have a simultaneous orgasm, too.
  22. You still around fella? Very happy birthday to you!
  23. Just woke up. Full day's work ahead though, including the magical customer who sets a deadline of one hour on a piece then calls up every five minutes to ask if it's finished yet. Fella's meant to be flying to Heathrow from Serbia tonight. Good luck to him...
  24. Followed by "My Sharona" and the Smiths' "Panic". There's some fucked-up playlisters on duty at this hour.
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