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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. In Soviet Russia, motorbike rides you
  2. Hah. I suppose hitting that wouldn't do much for the air quality either.
  3. There's such a thing as reading the room, but at least the end result was the right one anyway
  4. Occupy tried to co-opt the march to save Lewisham Hospital A&E a few years back. Absolute pack of whoppers.
  5. Construction has started, to the satisfaction of very few people who actually live in the area, but there we go. Who needs breathable air anyway?
  6. A Newcastle forum seems like the ideal place to suggest that people are unaware of having an accent
  7. I tend to think he's all right (sufficiently so to get my second vote both times, anyway) but the Silvertown Tunnel thing is a massive blind spot and I don't get how he can defend it with a straight face.
  8. And taken the Fulwell afterwards, good and proper. Wait, wrong poster
  9. What a picture that is, mind. These three already tell a story and a half.
  10. Which means she still wasn't 30 by the time she wrote This Woman's Work. Hell of a decade.
  11. An utterance on behalf of everyone who is substantially older and has achieved substantially less
  12. Fell out of love with F1 for a good few years, but we got back into it via the truncated 2020 season (and not only because there was bugger all else to watch at the time... though partially that), then obviously last year was properly entertaining - dodgy finale included. Unlike a few years back, the various rule tweaks aimed at making things more exciting on track feel like they're also a bit less arbitrary now, which helps as that's definitely one of the reasons I got bored of it - that and single-driver dominance, I suppose. It's still not the same as in the days when engines and other parts would randomly blow up for no good reason (reliability is boring!) and the main drivers were interestingly flawed, but I'm generally on board with it. I used to have no time for Hamilton, but I've grown to like him as he's got older and grown up, partly thanks to his activism winding up the kind of people who deserve to be wound up. And on the other side of the coin, the Verstappens make for a fine pair of villains. And Drive To Survive on Netflix - despite having a diabolically bad title - has been useful for fleshing out the personalities of the ameobas who make up half the pack these days.
  13. With few years and a fair wind, Gateshead or South Shields might become our legitimate local rivals anyway. Everyone's a winner - we get a derby back and it's not against the unwashed.
  14. Sneering at supermarket workers ✔️
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