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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer

    Man Utd

    Note to Lawrenson: commenting on every other incident by saying "Tell you what..." then tailing off does not constitute meaningful punditry.
  2. Watching some dodgy webstreams of forrun Eurovision finals and making... a curry, I think. Haven't decided yet.
  3. It really is. I appreciate there isn't much of an Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi population in Germany, but it still surprises me that curry is seen as something of a "delicacy", so you get all these nicely decorated restaurants serving small-ish portions of delicately spiced stuff, rather than the quantity and flavour you get over here. Now, a long evening at O-Feuer on the Schulterblatt with some tarama, tsatsiki, lamb souvlaki and far too much syrupy wine... that's more like it.
  4. DEFINITELY Meenzer Limp wrists of steel.
  5. Speak for yourself like. I only wear a stripey Newcastle top because I'm ashamed of the rainbow flag.
  6. you deem this thread worthy of protection? This thread? The one about bum hair? ohhkaaaaayy................. Don't post in then? Loser boy. You get picked on over the internet, how fucking cool are you? All over the internet, too. It's a multi-pronged SAD ATTACK. Meenzer you should chin him. I've half a mind to pink-handbag him into the middle of the next week, I'm that seething.
  7. you deem this thread worthy of protection? This thread? The one about bum hair? ohhkaaaaayy................. Don't post in then? Loser boy. You get picked on over the internet, how fucking cool are you? All over the internet, too. It's a multi-pronged SAD ATTACK.
  8. I just felt this thread deserved some randomness.
  9. Then trim it, dear Markie, dear Markie, dear Markie Then trim it, dear Markie, dear Markie, trim it
  10. Meenzer


    Closer to this kind of thing I suspect http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11376
  11. As I said, towel wars, the only wars we can win by the efficiency of our cockoo-clocks... My (German) housemate in Mainz was absolutely convinced it was the Brits, not the Germans, who did the whole towel thing and were renowned for it. I couldn't persuade him otherwise. We don't, do we?
  12. Meenzer


    http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?...11475&st=40 Does it count if Brock's happy with the woman in his life? If so, we have a winner!
  13. Meenzer


    It's well past your bedtime anyway, surely?
  14. Meenzer


    The 10% rule is immediately skewed by the "football fan" attribute, I suspect.
  15. Which (a) is fucking fantastic when you eat it over there, and ( has been largely corrupted to an inedible mess in the UK.
  16. Pickled toenail is a Balkan delicacy, I'll have you know.
  17. Sounds good! I've got 2 weeks to take between now and April. I feel a spring break coming on Rah! Care to join me in Belgrade for the Serbian Eurovision final? That's the best offer I've had in the last half hour, so who knows? Would the prospect of 1-litre bottles of wine for 80p help? Sometimes they don't even have bits of grape skin floating in them...
  18. Sounds good! I've got 2 weeks to take between now and April. I feel a spring break coming on Rah! Care to join me in Belgrade for the Serbian Eurovision final?
  19. Work just approved my 3 days of holiday in March despite the fact that we have a "holiday block" from mid-February to the end of April. This improves my mood somewhat.
  20. My Bosch coffee machine.
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