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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer

    Dr Seuss

    Since Alex mentioned it, let's bring this thread Hurtling right back from the dead!
  2. How weak does that tea look, mind? I worked in an office this one summer and the lass who kept volunteering to make the tea for everyone (largely because she had nothing better to do) barely dipped the teabag in the water before chucking it away again. If I wanted a cup of luke-warm tea-flavoured water I'd ask for it.
  3. by a metric mile! Shouldn't that be "mitric moil"?
  4. That's a hefty market value for all but the richest of paedos.
  5. And that was on Channel 5 an' all...
  6. And here's the nearest webcam to where I am. http://www.tfl.gov.uk/streets/capitalcams/cam543665.shtml
  7. See? I know where it's at. Have you read Adrift in a Vanishing City by Vincent Czyz? You might like that. In a word, not yet!
  8. Wolfy, give us a wave! Wolfy, Wolfy, give us a wave!
  9. I really enjoyed Middlesex, but it was a right hard slog at times. I can understand the mixed reviews, I'm the only one of my friends who managed to finish the thing. You did well to avoid ...Velocity, it has belatedly <fanboystrop>RUINED</fanboystrop> my enjoyment of his debut.
  10. Woke up to a covering of snow here. Really must remember my house keys when I go out for the night.
  11. He has a point there. If you class that picture as porn then you have led a very sheltered life. I`m sure if a boss saw that on your screen but you explained it was on a football site there would be no disciplinary action taken. I certainly wouldn`t take any on my staff. You see worse in FHM and Zoo these days don`t you. Personally I think it was just an excuse to get rid of you mate. Mind, I'd sack on the spot anyone who read FHM or Zoo, just as a matter of taste.
  12. The trouble with any trust-based system is that it's inevitably open to abuse. Non-gated transport might work fine in Germany, say, where there are obviously still people who don't pay but there's generally enough respect for the system (and prices are reasonable enough) that the vast majority buy their tickets normally. If the Metro bosses really think the current status quo is workable, they should imagine what it'd be like if the continental idea of racking up a tab at a pub then paying at the end of the night was introduced in Newcastle, say. Trust only works if you're offering it to people who can be (and are used to being) trusted... A touchpad-based gate system like Oyster in London would be canny, though thenorthumbrian would no doubt go apeshit.
  13. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing recently, largely because I'm at a non-gate Tube station dahn 'ere. They used to have gates that you had to feed your tickets into on the Metro many years ago, didn't they? At least at the city centre stations and maybe Regent Centre and the like. Anyone know why they were changed? I suppose the whole ticket gate thing is less enforceable at street-level, "tram"-style stops, but even the underground stations would be a start since that's where a lot of people would be going from/coming to.
  14. The Midland Metro's that ridiculous one-line "system" that does Birmingham-Wolverhampton in twice as long as it takes by train, right? I'm not surprised it's getting the boot...
  15. Besides, there were definitely comments to the extent that Birmingham played well.
  16. Dunno. My former housemate over there swears by a variety called Dornfelder, but there was only one year of it that I thought was much cop. That said, I prefer my wines almost undrinkably rioja-esque.
  17. I'd say more widely available contraception was a far bigger factor. That and being a big fat gayer is far more socially acceptable in developed countries.
  18. which one is that Meenzer? The Queen Edit: No pun intended Aye, that. I mean it's not a bad film, but surely there's nothing in its scope that makes it remotely Oscar-worthy?
  19. An ITV Sunday night drama up for Best Picture. What a laugh.
  20. That's true, booking BA is probably a bit of a lottery at the minute...
  21. Bah. I just got tickets from the Beeb for a recording of The News Quiz. (Radio 4 comedy is the new mauve.) Only it's on the same night as the monthly Eurovision bash at the Retro bar and the Decemberists gig I've already got tickets for. Naturally, there's barely a sniff of social crotch for several weeks either side.
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