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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Surely it was Scousers who started it by barging their way in to a game they didnt have tickets for? Fuse lit... stand back everybody!
  2. pretty much on a par with us when we had a shit board ? ie before the current one. Lets hope we never see their like again, I'm sure you agree that it will never happen to us. You do remember when we were on a par with the mackems I take it ? I remember finishing behind them a few times during Shepherd's regime if that's what you mean.
  3. Order cancelled. Booooo! Bunch of runts.
  4. I miss the vacuum this thread now occupies
  5. Patty Loveless - I Try To Think About Elvis
  6. There are numerous small B&Bs within minutes of that area which are all decent and below £30 a night. £30 a night? These sound like BROTHEL style motels to me. That'd be £30 an hour if you're lucky. London prices. Are we haggling here? You askin'? 'Cause I'm hagglin'!
  7. There are numerous small B&Bs within minutes of that area which are all decent and below £30 a night. £30 a night? These sound like BROTHEL style motels to me. That'd be £30 an hour if you're lucky. London prices.
  8. I'll be working till 9 or something tonight, but it's my own fault for sleeping late, so I'll restrict my on-forum bitching to a mere 75% of what it would normally be in the event of unscheduled overtime.
  9. I'll have one of those half-price trays of Chinese stir-fry veg please
  10. Patty Loveless - I Try To Think About Elvis
  11. One of the most spectacular pieces of useless information in my possession is that Rolf Harris was the BBC commentator when the UK won Eurovision for the first time (with Sandie Shaw's "Puppet On A String"). No recording of the BBC coverage exists and he was never asked to do it again. My guess is he insisted on playing his wobbleboard over the victory reprise.
  12. Aye, there should be residential areas not too far away that'll do the trick. Either that or park a bit further out and use the Tube, but obviously that'll add £££ onto the thing.
  13. I would have thought a responsible Guardian reading puff like you would have been more conscious of his carbon footprint. Internal flights indeed! Pssht. If I don't buy the ticket some Telegraph-reading het will only do it instead. Might as well get the benefit. Well you better get back in line or I'm confiscating your sandals. But... but... how will I walk half the length of the country whilst flaying myself then?
  14. A good entry for Up The Arse Corner. Oba seems pleased with it anyway.
  15. You hypocritical shite... Yep (lock it now lock it now lock it now!!!)
  16. I would have thought a responsible Guardian reading puff like you would have been more conscious of his carbon footprint. Internal flights indeed! Pssht. If I don't buy the ticket some Telegraph-reading het will only do it instead. Might as well get the benefit.
  17. 1. I just baked a tray of flapjacks and they are goooood. 2. I also just booked my trip home for the Man City game at the end of March. 3. I was surprised to note that BA are stopping their Newcastle-Gatwick route, which is being picked up by jet2 instead. Since jet2 are charging more than BA ever did, I'll be slumming it on a (still not exactly cheap) GNER jobby instead. Oh well. 4. I'm considering selling vast swathes of my Eurovision collection on eBay since some people appear to be stupid enough to pay good money for it. 5. I just now received a spam with the subject line "Drugs for long fucking".
  18. Oooh, so close. Unless you were describing the fella who scored the own goal.
  19. So they can sulk and insult people at the same time? I suppose it's efficient...
  20. Quoting from comedy shows is for geeks though. Quoting from Seinfeld is for geeks. Because only geeks watch it. But at least none of those geeks have surreptitiously signed up to a Newcastle forum as The Soup Nazi.
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