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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. You'll be broiling cilantro in a skillet next
  2. Red Square's dead square, we know that for a fact...
  3. Just a normal human acting normally
  4. Still Wogan. 2009 is Norton's first, in Moscow funnily enough. Maybe Wogan knocked it on the head out of concern that he'd have to be on the vodka in the commentary box all night instead of his preferred Baileys, bless his boozy cotton socks.
  5. That's genuinely what we've called them* in this house ever since Eurovision 2005 when one of the hosts made a big point of pronouncing it "Kyyyy-yyyyiiiiiiiv" every time he said it, like he was a boxing announcer or something. (* not the "darling" part, I should add)
  6. Ladbaby charity single incoming, nailed on. "I Love Chicken Kievs And Sausage Rolls".
  7. Meenzer

    Eddie Howe

    Aye, it's one thing not wanting to put him in a city centre apartment but surely there's a middle ground between that and sticking him on a farm.
  8. Thanks. How's the weather in the Argentine at this time of year?
  9. Could we stop saying "the Ukraine" please?
  10. If you're daft enough to panic buy petrol today, you're too daft to be driving. Impound their cars!
  11. This (from a Finnish friend on a Eurovision messageboard, obviously) feels like quite a cogent take on it all from a neighbour's perspective:
  12. Someone will be winning, one way or another
  13. This seems entirely normal and definitely not, ooh, how about "completely inhuman behaviour"
  14. Or setting up a Justgiving page for it with a £2.22 target
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