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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'm getting the word "Rothbury"
  2. Who you going to see? Silver Mt. Zion. Will probably flog my ticket on eBay now though, I haven't seen enough games this season whereas I've been overdosing on largely-instrumental-introspective-art-rock-wank lately.
  3. Thus nicely moving the Reading match onto the night I'm meant to be going to a gig.
  4. By that kind of logic, the UK will win Eurovision this year by a record margin. ...
  5. Basic rate of income tax to fall from 22% to 20%, lower rate scrapped altogether. Hm.
  6. Can't even count their own attendance figures
  7. It'd be fantastic if the last reveal was that he had his cock out. And not just for obvious reasons.
  8. Is that really the typeface for the numbers on the back? I realise it's trying to be a bit continental or something, but we might as well just use Comic Sans and be done with it...
  9. Job lot of Kleenex to James Allen's commentary box!
  10. Meenzer

    March 20

    Before fire-bombing Kings Cross on his way back from the British Library.
  11. Meenzer


    I think that joke invented the internet.
  12. I've just put a chicken in the oven for tea later so I'd best say no else I'll be a clucking funt before the day's out...
  13. Fella just down the road from me's had hail, snow and thunder in the last half-hour. Clear blue skies here.
  14. Blind Melon - No Rain This is half a sodding lifetime ago now. It's just not right.
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